Demand Free Chemical Testing for Blood and Water in Michigan

    We, the undersigned, call for immediate action to provide free chemical testing for blood and water in Michigan. The ongoing water contamination crisis threatens the health and safety of our communities, and it is imperative that residents have access to essential testing to understand their exposure to hazardous substances.

    Key Points:
    Public Health Emergency:
    Thousands of residents are at risk due to contaminated drinking water, which has been linked to various harmful chemicals, including PFAS, lead, and other toxic substances. The lack of comprehensive testing has left many unaware of the potential dangers they face.

    Free Chemical Testing:
    We demand immediate implementation of free chemical testing for both water and blood. This testing is crucial for identifying harmful contaminants and monitoring their presence in our bodies and water supply. Access to this testing will empower residents to make informed decisions about their health and safety.

    Transparency and Accountability:
    Residents deserve transparency regarding the quality of their drinking water. Comprehensive testing must be conducted regularly, with results made publicly available to ensure accountability from water suppliers and government agencies.

    Protection for Vulnerable Populations:
    Special attention must be given to vulnerable populations, including children, pregnant women, and those with preexisting health conditions, who may be disproportionately affected by contaminated water.

    Urgent Action Required:
    The health and safety of our communities cannot wait. We urge local and state officials to prioritize the provision of free chemical testing and to take immediate steps to remediate the ongoing contamination crisis.

    Reason for the Petition:
    This petition is crucial because it addresses a pressing public health issue affecting our communities. The ongoing contamination of water sources in Michigan poses serious risks to residents, and access to free chemical testing is a fundamental right.

    By advocating for free chemical testing, we aim to ensure that every resident can know their exposure to hazardous substances and take action to protect their health. This petition is a call to action for our government to prioritize the well-being of its citizens and to address the critical issue of water contamination.
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