Introduce DeforestACTION into Maumee Valley Science Classes

My petition to introduce the free DeforestACTION education materials into Maumee Valley science classes should be signed because orangutans are beautiful and incredibly intelligent creatures, but their numbers are rapidly decreasing and we, through education, can save the orangutans one school at a time.

In 1950, there were more than twice as many orangutans as there are now. The animals are quickly dying out due to habitat loss. Palm Oil plays a huge role in many, many products you find in the grocery store, and companies are chopping down and even burning forests in order to create more Palm Oil plantations. Instead of using safe, ready stretches of land, companies are using the wood they produce by clearing the forests for profit.

Maumee Valley is a private school in Northwest Ohio that's curriculum is introducing technology. DeforestACTION is a virtual classroom that teaches us not only how we can conserve our rainforests, but also how we can adapt to our rapidly increasing use of technology in our everyday lives.

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