Human Rights for Members of Cowichan Reserve; No More Taxing Cowichan Tribes Members

  • von: Sharon Lewis
  • empfänger: Cowichan Tribes, Human RIghts Canada, Attorney Generation of Canada, Justice Minister of Canada, Aboriginal Affairs Canada, Minister of Finance, Revenue Canada

Cowichan Tribes Members pay for taxes on-off reserve: Status Indians do NOT pay Taxes according to Agreements with the Crown. Justice Reformatiom is required for revisions of the Race based taxation scheme of Canada regarding the taxation of Status Indians of Cowichan Reserve. Non-native people, businesses, companies, corporations that are working and living in Cowichan should pay taxes to Cowichan Band. Cowichan Tribes Members live in 3rd World Conditions and Pay Taxes. Let's call for Reformation of Taxation; Remove the Taxation Scheme from Cowichan Tribes Members. Please support our petition through a collective voice.

Thank You for your support.

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