Close All 'Wet' Markets in Asia

  • von: NoToDogMeat Foundation
  • empfänger: President Xi Jinping,China, Han Changfu, Minister of Agriculture,Monique Eloit, Director OIE,Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus,Director WHO

China: For years we have been warning you about the health risks caused by the way you treat animals. Skinning dogs alive in the meat markets is case in point. Your food markets have no control over sanitation and nor do the majority of your restaurants. Wildlife is butchered next to chickens, dogs and cats. Blood, urine, faeces everywhere as you carry out your ' traditions which are nothing more than black market greed.

We have consistently shown you evidence of airborne and droplet disease due to cross-contamination in your cruel slaughter of dogs and other animals. You ignored us and so did our governments. Now there is a global pandemic!

It is time to end the live slaughter and abject cruelty to dogs and cats in your markets ( including Wuhan). It is time to end the illegal trade of dogs and cats for food and fur. It is time to close wildlife markets. It is time for you to change.

Dogs and Cats brutally slaughtered for food in Asia and beyond are often stolen pets/sick strays or raised on dirty farms. They are pumped full of high levels of antibiotics harmful to human health and can carry diseases such as rabies, avian flu and brucellosis. These diseases can spread from some of the animals to humans. The markets are like a crime scene with terrified dogs and cats waiting to be killed. Blood, faeces, urine and body parts. ( just take a look at the photo and clips) Isn't it no wonder disease is rife? And, on top of this children are exposed to this violence.

At the Yulin Dog Meat Festival, they celebrate this torture. You boast of eating monkey brains, biting snakes heads off. This is not normal behaviour. 

This madness has to end for our physical health and mental well being and for the poor creatures who do not deserve to suffer in this way. #Covid19 There is blood on your hands. Vietnam, Indonesia and Korea you too.

( warning graphic clip)

Update #5vor 4 Jahren
Breaking News: The City of Shenzhen ( near Hong Kong) becomes the first city in China to ban dog meat. Under new rules which will come into effect May 1, the government said it will be illegal to eat animals raised as pets. This shows our campaigning works. Please keep signing and sharing.Follow our updates on social media @notodogmeat. Thankyou
Update #4vor 5 Jahren
Breaking News: Coronavirus and growing health concerns lead China to ban eating wildlife with immediate effect. Please keep signing our petition to push for the end of the dog meat trade.
Update #3vor 5 Jahren
Our charity runs a rescue in China with over 400 dogs and cats. Life has been really difficult since the outbreak but we are doing all we can to save more innocent animals and run our campaign globally. Please read about our work and keep signing and sharing this petition.
Update #2vor 5 Jahren
Dear Campaigners and Dog Lovers
Please join us tomorrow 31 January in London 1-4pm at the Chinese Embassy. We will hand in the first 5000 signatures and raise awareness and concerns. Meet our rescues from the dog meat trade. Learn about our work and our shelter in China. If you can not attend please visit our website and our social media @notodogmeat to help us campaign.
Thank you all for caring.
We won't stop until the cruelty ends.
Update #1vor 5 Jahren
Dear Friends

The horrific coronavirus which started in an animal market in China continues to spread. China is notorious for hiding the truth. Our activists tell us things are worse than before. The media won't face the truth this comes from live public slaughter of the poor dogs and cats. So we are going to protest this Friday 31 Chinese Embassy and BBC London. Can you come? Can you protest where you live. Please follow our social media for news and keep sharing.
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