Maximum Punishment for Charlotte the Dog's Alleged Abuser

  • von: Doll Lawrence
  • empfänger: Daniel Donovan - District Attorney's Office of Staten Island, NY

In a statement to police, Charlotte's owner allegedly stated "Just give me my misdemeanor so I can get out of here, it's just a dog." This after she allegedly took Charlotte and put her into a plastic bag, tied a knot on the top of said bag and threw the bag out of the window of a moving car. She left Charlotte to suffer and die. Charlotte was allegedly starved, had a crushed skull and broken bones. Charlotte suffered additional head trauma and temporary blindness after she was thrown from the moving car and hit a fence. Incredibly, this brave puppy is still alive and in a veterinarians care. We, the petitioners, are asking for your help in changing the animal abuse laws. We are asking for the maximum penalty of two years in this case. Case number: 00204-2014. We collectively feel that stronger animal abuse laws need to be in place to protect all animals left defenseless, we need to be their voice. Animal abuse is cruel, it is evil and can no longer be tolerated. A mere slap on the wrist will not prevent these heinous acts from occurring and reoccurring. The alleged abuser then went out and bought ANOTHER DOG. Research has shown a correlation between animal abuse, family abuse and other forms of societal and community violence. Animal protection professionals have noted that abuse of animals is connected in a self-perpetuating cycle of violence. We must stand up for the rights of these abused and helpless animals. We need to protect them and send the message that cruelty and abuse WILL NOT BE TOLERATED IN THIS SOCIETY. We hope that you will take this matter seriously. We need to see Justice for Charlotte and the countless animals that are abused and/or neglected. We want to make certain that the maximum penalty of two years incarceration be handed down. We want to ensure that animal abusers attain the maximum penalty for their crimes.

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