Dress Code, Student/Teacher Representation, and Other Reforms to Orange County Public Schools, Florida.

Orange County Public Schools (OCPS) has had a long and confounding history of not hearing or valuing the opinions, thoughts, and feelings of their students. While many students have been voicing their opinions on their dress code and its inconsistencies and its inequalities, the men and women in power have had nothing to say nor done anything. They talk of a lack of funding yet receive and have more money in their coffer than most counties in the state of Florida. And any time the students of Orange County Public Schools (OCPS) begin to speak their minds and take positive actions the people who are supposed to represent do the bare minimum.

Our goal is to reach 5,600 signitures by the end of the year in order to promote change of the dress code that has had gender inequality gaps, to reform the cell phone policy that is heavily outdated, the representation of teachers when it comes to the budget of schools, and student voices being heard in the county.

OCPS can no longer sit and lean back when it comes to issues that students have been asking a change for since before the COVID-19 pandemic. We will NOT sit back, instead we, the Students in Action Association (OCPS) will hear the demands of students and promote change within the the county. So if you, an OCPS student, want to see change then sign today.

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