Cher Ministre Laurent Lessard,
En vous présentent les signatures de presque 106,000 personnes qui, comme moi, demandons que vous et le Ministère des Forêts, Faune, et Parcs – MFFP prennez des mesures immédiates pour soutenir l'SPCA de Montréal à poursuivre des crimes odieux contres les animaux qui ont lieu au Québec.
L'état du renard et le vison examinés par des professionels médicaux est déplorable, et je n'arrive pas a comprendre pourquoi votre ministère ne suit pas l'avis de l'SPCA de Montréal, la Humane Society International - Canada et de plusieurs experts sur la faune.
Prener le temps de regarder les photos et les video de ces animaux et essayer de trouver une façon d'expliquer comment ça peut être acceptable. Votre rôle comme Ministère des Forets, Faune et Parcs inclus l'application des lois, si nécessaire. Il n'y a jamais eu un moment qui a nécessité une action plus que celui-ci.
Il est temp que le Québec cesse d'être la "Chine" de l'Occident.
Comme électeur, je m'attends à voir un mouvement publique immédiat de vous-même et de votre ministère sur cette question.
Bien à vous,
Mike Sforza
1276 du Relais, Laval, QC.
Update #5vor 9 Jahren
No news regarding the trial however the Quebec government has tabled a bill calling animals 'sentient beings' and includes jail time for cruelty. This is a positive development that will curtail the kind of cruelty see at this fur farm.
I will keep you posted on developments regarding the owner`s trial.
Update #4vor 10 Jahren
On January 6, Jean-Luc Rodier, the owner of the fur farm pleaded not guilty to the 6 charges against him. He is expected back in court April 13th.
On a more positive note, the Quebec Government is finally proposing tougher animal abuse laws. More to follow.
Update #3vor 10 Jahren
Jean-Luc Rodier, the owner of the fur farm, was in court on January 6 where he pleaded not guilty to the 6 counts of animal cruelty. He is due back in court April 13.
He could face up to 18 months in jail and $10,000 in fines for each count, as well as a lifetime ban on having an animal in his custody or under his control if found guilty. Let's hope for a guilty verdict.
I will keep you posted.
Update #2vor 10 Jahren
Great News!
The owner of the fur farm has been charged with six counts of animal cruelty and neglect.
This is the first time a fur farmer has been charged with animal cruelty in Canada. Let's hope he is convicted and legal precedent is set to prosecute other abusers.
A huge THANK YOU to all who signed this petition and helped make a difference.
Update #1vor 10 Jahren
Thank you for signing this petition to help the fox and mink trapped in the hell hole fur farm in St-Jude, Quebec.
Over the past month there have been 4 protests demanding action & the SPCA is considering legal action against the ministry which has done little to stop this horrible situation. Sadly, the 70 fox and 10,000 mink continue to exist in deplorable conditions.
I hope we can convince the Quebec government to take action before it is too late.
Please share this petition.
Thank you.