• von: Taryn Greendeer

The world is changing and the archaic notions that beavers are a nuisance needs to also change. The idea that "maybe" the trout (provided by the USDA Fisheries) will be impacted by the beaver is a very unenlightened approach to Natural Resource management.

Removal of the beaver has more to do with appeasing special interests than in protecting the eco-system.

You have a real opportunity here to be on the cutting edge of beaver management and lead the way towards the preservation of these amazing creatures rather than destroying them without considering the greater implications to their habitat, to all the wildlife they nurture and to the region at large.

Beaver are a "keystone" species. Without them hundreds of other species would not exist.

Their dams slow down flooding , purify the waters from harmful chemicals such as atrazine, increase the wildlife in the region, and have been a tremendous benefit from an ecological standpoint in general. Beavers actually help raise the water table of groundwater.

There are incalculable benefits to keeping a healthy beaver population intact.

It is certainly time for a shift in consciousness relative to the beaver, and it is happening around the country and in other parts of the world. Why not here?

The Beaver will ensure we will never have to witness a Silent Spring.

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