Ban shark meat at Intermarche

Intermarche is a chain of supermarkets in France. They are currently stocking baby Big Eye Thresher Sharks-(Alopias superciliosus) - on their shelves. 
Big Eye Thresher sharks are listed on the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) Red List of Threatened Species as Vulnerable. Big Eye Thresher Shark numbers are declining.
This magnificent, beautiful animal in the picture did not even have a chance to mature and reproduce. Picture was taken: 24/02/2012 at 11.00am. 

On their website, Intermarche claim this:

"The renewal of natural resources, including marine resources, has become of paramount concern. The Musketeers, who have their own fishing fleet must be responsible. They undertake several years for a "Responsible Fisheries", respecting the nature and men, while offering quality products.

Our commitments:
Precursor in this fight and resulting from a voluntary process, Intermarche is committed since 2004 to the development of responsible fishing. With the investment of Scapeche (Armaments Corporation Musketeers Fisheries), the Musketeers have embarked on the project "Responsible Fishing" with four key objectives: 
1) the preservation of natural resources, 
2) protection of environment, 
3) good social management of crews, 
4) the production quality of the productions.

Despite the claims made by Intermarche on their website, shark scientists agree that stocking baby Big Eye Thresher Sharks is not sustainable or responsible and directly contradicts the claims made by Intermarche on their website. 
We urge Intermarche to ban the sale of all shark products in their shops and live up to the promises made on their website.

We the Undersigned,
Urge you to ban the sale of all shark products in your shops and live up to the promises made on your own website to implement a policy of only stocking fish from sustainable sources.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read this letter. There are many thousands and thousands of people who are truly shocked by this and we hope that Intermarche will act responsibly and respond by removing and banning all shark products in your stores.
Kind regards,
The Undersigned.

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