Stop Uranium Mining

Virginia Uranium, Inc., a new corporation, is seeking to lift the moratorium on Uranium Mining in Virginia. Uranium production presents a serious threat to our water supplies. Radioactive and other toxic gases and particles will be washed and blown from the mill tailings unless they are protected from rain and wind for HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of years. These toxins will then find their way into our waterways becoming a danger to people, livestock, wildlife and crops.  No one has yet put forth a means of controlling this type of pollution. Below are just a few reasons we need to stop them:

1.  The drinking water supply of Virginia Beach is downstream of the proposed mine in Southside. Other cities downstream of Uranium deposits include Fredericksburg and Richmond. 
2.  The radioactive waste produced by a uranium mining and milling operation is stored on site for more than 1,000 years. Any leakage could contaminate waterways and wells.
3.  Uranium mining has left superfund federal clean-up sites everywhere it has been done west of the Mississippi River.
4.  The coal ash spill that flooded 400 acres in Tennessee in 2008 was caused by the failure of an earthen dam similar to those used to contain uranium mining waste. The spill would have been much worse had it contained radioactive uranium 'tailings'.
5.  No Uranium mining and milling operation has ever been licensed in the US east of the Mississippi. The region's wet climate and high population make it too risky.

Join me in the fight against decimation of our beautiful State!
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