Domestic Abuse Victims

For decades domestic abuse has been looked upon as a social problem of violence against women by men.  Battered women's advocates and others concerned about domestic violence have created and funded over 2000 non profit agencies across the country that help victims.  For more than 20 years these agencies have specialized in offering a full spectrum of services to what has been considered the traditional victims of domestic  violence, women and children. 
Yet society has changed a great deal since we first became aware of the violence that goes on behind close doors.  Men are now stay at home dads, some do the cooking, cleaning, laundry, change diapers, give the kids their baths and food shop...all the things that were unheard for men to do back in the 1950's and 60's when we first started recognizing the social problem of domestic violence. 
Women have changed quite a bit also.  Many work outside the home, some hold high powered jobs and others run cement mixers. Women are also doing things that were unheard of in the 50's & 60's. They also get violent with their spouses/boyfriends and children.  
Our current system that offers supportive services to victims of intimate partner violence, everything from obtaining a court order to keep victims safe to clothing and transitional housing, for the most part, still runs under the antiquated notion that 95 - 98% of domestic abuse victims are women abused by men.  This means that services for men abused by women or other men in same sex relationships are nearly non existent in these federally funded shelter programs. 
If you believe that federal and state funded domestic violence victims shelter programs should be mandated to support any victim and give them them same opportunities and services regardless of their gender, age, able-ism, ethnicity, religious beliefs or race etc. please sign our petition. 
We the undersigned believe that victims of domestic violence should be given the same opportunities to escape the violence in their homes.  They should be able to access the same services and support that will enable them to be safe regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity, religion, or able-sim. 
Thanks so much for taking the time to read and sign our petition! 
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