Protect land slated for subdivision development

Over two million acres of wildlfe lands, working farmlands, and natural areas are lost each year to development in our country due to outdated subdivision ordinances. These antiquated ordinances require "cookie-cutter" subdivision developments that pollute our lakes, rivers and streams.

What if we could preserve clean water, natural areas, wildlife and working farms in new neighborhoods while accommodating growth and preserving property values? We can. The only thing stopping us is outdated planning codes.

Conservation subdivisions preserve natural areas, clean water, working farms, and wildlife. Working with innovative planners, we can preserve property values, family values and community values.

Get Started Now!
LandChoices' "Supersize My Backyard" campaign provides a FREE downloadable conservation subdivision ordinance at

We want conservation subdivisons to become the standard for subdivision development nationwide. Please sign onto our letter today, and help preserve your town's cherished lands for future generations.
Dear President Obama,

Outdated subdivision ordinances across our country are requiring developers to build conventional "cookie-cutter" subdivisions that pollute clean water and needlessly destroy natural areas, working farmland and wildlife lands.

Conservation subdivisions preserve 50% to 70% or more of the buildable land, PLUS unbuildable wetlands, steep slopes and floodplains while allowing the same number of homesites as conventional "cookie-cutter" subdivision developments. Developers and landowners will embrace conservation subdivisions as the study "The Economics of Conservation Subdivisions" by Wayne State University (MI) prove that that "lots in conservation subdivisions carry a premium, are less expensive to build, and sell more quickly than lots in conventional subdivisions."

We ask you to immediately make conservation subdivisions the "by right, permitted use" (everyday use) in states, towns and counties across our nation. LandChoices is happy to provide a FREE downloadable conservation subdivision ordinance at

Such action would be consistent with your support to reduce climate change and global warming.
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