Please sign and share this petition nationwide in an effort to get this Muskogee County, Oklahoma, man severely charged with three counts of a felony for animal cruelty abuse in this case of 3 poorly treated hoses found on his property. Such a person should also be banned from ever again owning or caring for any type of animal. This is so horrific requiring stiff repercussions.
Recently, the Muskogee Sheriff's Department were alerted of the possible neglect of some horses in Muskogee County. What they found were three horses in deplorable conditions. According to Deputy Brandon Caster, and Sheriff Charles Pearson, "The horses were malnourished and had sores all over them. Mr. C tried to say a dog got hold of them, but it obviously wasn't that. The injuries to the one horse were severe. His face was all cut up and he had cuts all over his chest and legs. The vet had to do a lot of work, and he lost a lot of skin." As a reader and supporter to stop animal abuse, do these injuries and the skin and bones of the animals really sound like a dog attack?? On top of that, these poor horses had no water or food when found and were trying to push their heads through a fence to ascertain the bales of hay on the other side!
Now that they are in the hands of the sheriff's department, they are healing from the deep, life-threatening wounds and ultimate starvation. One of the three horses is fighting to survive. You can see more photos at Sheriff Pearson also stated that "Several of the wounds had maggots in them. The wounds had been there for a while."
Because these animals were so deprived of food, it is speculated that many of the wounds were sustained by trying to get to the food out of their ultimate reach. "If they don't have hay, if they don't have grass to eat, they're going to push through a fence; they're going to jump through a fence." The wounds discovered with deep cuts, often with skin hanging off their bodies. One of the more severe horse was tied up with rope instead of being free to roam as horses should, with plenty of grass to graze and hay to eat.
Pearson continued that "They can't hardly defend themselves when they're tied up with a short rope. All three of them were very, very poor, but this one was just about, it was real bad as far as nourishment. What's sad is they are beautiful gentle horses, tortured by one man. It's just pure laziness and disregard for these animals." Authorities are looking for good homes where these beautiful, gentle horses can live as they are meant to live, never lacking food, water, grass to graze and they hay they love and need!
Please sign and share this petition nationwide in an effort to get this Muskogee County, Oklahoma, man severely charged with three counts of a felony for animal cruelty abuse in this case of 3 poorly treated hoses found on his property. Such a person should also be banned from ever again owning or caring for any type of animal. This is so horrific requiring stiff repercussions, similar to those inflicted on these innocent animals!!!
Muskogee County Sheriff's Officials - Please ensure that this guy, Mr. C is severely punished with at least of e felony counts of animal cruelty, abuse and neglect. Charge the harshest punishment by law, including a ban on ever owning or being near another animal within inches, ever!! Not only did he not own up to the abuse, he blames a dog attack which surely is not the case! Thank you for your intervention in saving these animals but ensure this guy does not see the light of day for a very long time!!
Muskogee County Sheriff's Officials - Please ensure that this guy, Mr. RC is severely punished with at least of e felony counts of animal cruelty, abuse and neglect. Charge the harshest punishment by law, including a ban on ever owning or being near another animal within inches, ever!! Not only did he not own up to the abuse, he blames a dog attack which surely is not the case! Thank you for your intervention in saving these animals but ensure this guy does not see the light of day for a very long time!!
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