Stop the Whale Murder in the Faroe Islands

  • von: Jade Kachina
  • empfänger: The Faroe Islands Prime Minister Kaj Leo Johannesen
Sign the petition!

During the summer months, inhabitants of the Faroe Islands - a group of islands under the sovereignty of Denmark, situated roughly halfway between Norway and Iceland - celebrate a cultural tradition called the "grindadrap.” Literally translated as “whale murder,” during this year’s cruel and unnecessary hunt Faroese residents used blunt-ended metal hooks to spear whales blowholes and drag them up the beach, where they killed the animals with a knife cut to their major blood vessels. Ultimately, 236 pilot whales were slaughtered. 

These whales are highly intelligent, socially complex, and peaceful beings. They are also "strictly protected" under the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats. There is no justification for killing them. As the Prime Minister of the Faroe Islands, you have the power to put an end to this barbaric tradition once and for all.

"The Grind," or whale slaughters, dates back to the 1500s and is a cultural tradition for the Faroese. Many people come from all over to watch whalehunters rush into the bay to slash and stab the whales until the surrounding waters turn red with their blood. 

Hundred's of pilot whales were slaughtered in this way during the barbaric event held earlier this month. 

Join countless environmental and animal rights activists in demanding that the Faroe Islands stop the whale massacre!
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