Update; june 2009

The massacre of Geese as desribed in this petition, took place last year 2008 and in spite of all the protests, the people responsible for the massacre turned a blind eye and deaf ear to all the protests from last year and again gave permission for the whole province of Utrecht to catch and gas thousands of Geese again starting june 20th thru oct. 1st. 2009.

Thankfully the Fauna Bescherming (Wildlife Protection) was able to get this suspended by the judge for now and the province of Utrecht must give a new  permit again and approach the objections of the Fauna Bescherming (Wildlife Protection)      

This all means that the Geese are still not safe.

Please keep on signing, the Geese needs you to speak up for them.

(Stuur ook de protest (voorbeeld) brieven tegen de slachting in Utrecht via deze actiepagina.

Thank you so much, Hartelijk bedankt.

(Voor informatie in  de Nederlandse taal, klik op onderstaande link)

Video of the brutal trapping of the geese and their
young can be seen in the link below (unfortunatelly the page is in
Dutch only) scroll down a little on the page and click on the red text link above the first picture  "vangactie op video" and click again on the next red text link "klik hier voor video"

All these geese were transported to Duke destruction co. and died in horrible way, they were gassed.
Holland is known for its unspoiled nature and a lot of tourists visit the country for this reason. But do you know how cruel wild geese are being treated in Holland? From June 2th - June 30th 6.000 wild grey geese have been caught and gassed. For this slaughter the local government of Holland, the agricultural organization LTO and even the nature conservation organizations Staatsbosbeheer en Natuurmonumenten, instructed the animal destruction company %u2018Duke%u2019. Besides another 1000 geese will be shot. The reason for this is so-called unacceptable increasing damage to crops and nature by a growing geese population. Countings by bird watchers show that the amount of geese on Holland is already stabile for a couple of years. Bird experts claim that gassing is useless and that there are enough animal friendly measures to limit damage should this be the case. Experts also take the view that the actions miss every scientific foundation. But the joint employers do not want to listen: the death sentence of thousands of wild grey geese has already been pronounced. A horrible fact: only 200 breeding pair may remain.

Even in nature conservation areas the geese will be caught to be gassed. In a nature conservation area damage caused by species of animals that are present is by definition out of the question. Chasing and transporting the geese to the location where they will be gassed causes a lot of stress, fear and injury. Next the geese will be suffocated with CO2. Both ethical as moral the actions against the wild grey geese is reprehensible. Also that these %u2018population limitation%u2019 measures should take place yearly to get the desired results. It is obvious that these actions do not have anything to do with so called combative measures. No, the objective is to kill as many geese as possible. Holland, the %u2018bird island%u2019 will be practically geese free. This is totally useless, unnecessary and cruel. It need not be said that the enormous catching actions in nature conservation areas in June will cause major damage to the large diversity of often very vulnerable breeding birds. This is in violation of the international obligations. Besides farmers and officials mean to determine which species are allowed in nature conservation areas.

The Canada geese, white-fronted geese and barnacle geese should be exterminated between April 1rst and October 1st according to their plans. While this is prohibited by the European Bird Directive.

We admire your knowledge of life with wild geese very much. We would like to ask you to condemn the gassing actions on Holland during you visit tomorrow. We would like to ask you to sentence Natuurmonumenten and Staatsbosbeheer, for it is incomprehensible that organizations who say to put effort in nature conservation lend themselves to these useless and damaging actions.

We are always willing to answer any questions you might have. Please help the wild geese!

Kind regards,

De Faunabescherming,

A foundation for the protection of wild animals. Our organization exists over 30 years, and pleads a cause for wild animals  


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