Maximum Penalty for Animal Cruelty Charge Against Dustin Ricky Harrell

We the undersigned,  respectfully request that  Dustin Ricky Harrell be given the maximum sentence allowed by law. We also respectfully request that due to the brutal nature of the attack on Honey, that he be prohibited by law from owning any companion animals in the future.

Dustin Ricky Harrell, 21, 1178 Old Stage Road, Jonesborough, was arraigned on the charge of Aggravated Animal Cruelty, 
The District Attorney General  said that his office would be prosecuting the offense as a felony. He also stated that his office would be ready to proceed to a preliminary hearing at the earliest possible date. Judge Nidiffer scheduled the hearing for  December 14.

 A court document details how Harrell allegedly repeatedly tortured, then comforted, the family dog named Honey.The miniature dogs death was reported by the father of Harrell on Nov. 3, apparently after he found the dog dead.Harrell told Washington County Sheriffs Investigator Jeff Miller that he first threw the dog down the stairs at his house, then comforted it, then threw it down the stairs several more times.He later filled the bathtub up with water and held the dog under the water for approximately 20 seconds at a time and did this three times, Miller wrote in the court record.After the bathtub incident, Harrell said he dried the dog off with a towel, then put the dog in the clothes dryer  with nothing else in it  and turned the machine on for four minutes.Harrell threw the dog down another time, which broke the Yorkies leg.That injury caused Honey to cry in pain, so Harrell used painters tape around the dogs mouth to keep her quiet and used an Icy Hot sleeve on the dogs broken leg.When the Yorkie stopped crying, Harrell told police he removed the tape and the dog began bleeding from the mouth. Harrell said he held Honey and she died in his arms.It is inexcusable what Harrell did to the beloved family dog. We, upon a guilty verdict, are asking for the maximum  punishment  allowable by law for Harrell. 



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