Please sign and share this petition worldwide to draw attention to the treatment of the tigers in Harbin, China and demand that the animals stop being treated inhumanely and as a commodity. Recently when a tour bus came to visit the tiger farm, handlers tossed out live chickens to the tigers so that viewers can witness the demise of the animals, blood splattering everywhere as the tigers fought for the birds.
Tourists enjoy seeing the Siberian tigers up close but the conditions in which they do are deplorable. There is nothing pleasurable about watching these animals tearing apart live prey with blood spurting everywhere. However, this is just a small incident surrounding the activities and care of the tigers. These farms exist mainly to breed and kill tigers for the marketing of pelts and tiger bone wine. The handlers of the farms have been sanctioned by the government and routinely violate Chinese laws and agreements.
The largest tiger farms are located in Harbin and Southern City of Guilin where animals were noted in deplorable conditions. Although bone wine is not allowed, merchants in both cities violate that ban. Bone wine is sourced from both domesticated and wild tigers. Just recently, as proof of China’s treatment of tigers, it was noted that 15 people were arrested for killing at least 10 large cats as a way to provide entertainment and fresh meat for businessmen hoping to show off their wealth in the city of Zhanjiang, in Guangdong province.
The laws were changed in 1993 that bans the killing of tigers and using their bones and other body parts for commerce, but the law is clearly not enforced. A spokesman has stated “China’s wildlife law has all kinds of problems. It effectively encourages people to breed tigers and other animals and use their parts for commerce." The Chinese clearly have no regard for the health and beauty of the Siberian tiger other than a resource for monetary gain.
These tiger farms throughout China exemplify the poor care of the animals but there seems to be no revenue in keeping the animals alive and well. The Chinese see the tiger as the strongest animal in the world. So the thinking goes that if you consume these tiger parts, you will make yourself strong.”
On paper, China’s tiger farms are regulated by the State Forestry Administration, but there are known to be close ties between officials in this agency and illicit tiger bone wine manufacturers, according to the Environmental Investigation Agency and past media reports. Managers of these parks have bragged about serving tiger bone wine to top government officials, one of many ways in China that alcohol is used to lubricate business deals.
State Forestry Administration spokesman Zhao Shucong acknowledged that China has work to do in protecting wildlife and assuring animal welfare but the laws are clearly unenforced! He states that “The international community has placed high expectations on China. The hunting, smuggling and illegal trading of wildlife products remains a problem.” More needs to be done to protect the Siberian tigers in China while enforcing the laws set forth in 1993. Please sign and share this petition worldwide to draw attention to the treatment of the tigers in Harbin, China and demand that the animals stop being treated inhumanely and as a commodity.
State Forestry Administrator Zhao Shucong and Chinese Government Officials – Why do you have laws in place if no one is doing more to enforce them? You need to enforce the laws you put into place in order to protect the lives of the Siberian tigers within these tiger farms and in the wild. Monitor the care of the animals more closely in these tiger and punish the abusers severely so that these inhumane actions will stop. The lives of these gorgeous creatures require your government to be more diligent in protecting them and their well-being.
State Forestry Administrator Zhao Shucong and Chinese Government Officials – Why do you have laws in place if no one is doing more to enforce them? You need to enforce the laws you put into place in order to protect the lives of the Siberian tigers within these tiger farms and in the wild. Monitor the care of the animals more closely in these tiger and punish the abusers severely so that these inhumane actions will stop. The lives of these gorgeous creatures require your government to be more diligent in protecting them and their well-being.
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