Chimacum, WA - Help Family Whose Lost Dog Was Shot in Face

  • von: SUE LEE
  • empfänger: Chimacum, WA and Humane Society

Please sign and share this petition nationwide in an effort to get Chimacum in Washington to help a family who lost their dog, only to find it with 3 bullet wounds in its face. Not only do they not know who could possibly look into those big brown eyes and shoot the poor animal, the family is having a difficult time paying for the care their pet requires. This is a multipurpose petition to first demand they investigate and find the abuser of the dog to inflict punishment deserved; also implore that the city where the dog owners live to help them with resources needed to help the animal recover from its injuries.

A dog named Victor was lost from its home in Chimacum for several days but when it did return, it was noted that he was shot at least 3 times and left to die. The local Jefferson County Humane Society could not believe how Victor beat all odds we three shots right on his face and back. His owners were so happy that Victor came back home but are concerned how they will pay for his vet bills to get him the help he needs.

Victor's owners pleaded for help from the Jefferson County Humane Society who in turn sought help from the Rescue Every Dog Organization. After bringing Victor to a local Vet, a spokesperson for the dog rescue stated "Because the bullets went through his forehead and straight down, they had to be looking in his face, right into his eye, when they shot him."

Victor the weekend at the vet, He survived and is now slowly recovering with a foster family until he's put up for adoption. Because his family could not pay for his vet bills, they lost him! This is not right! Not only is the Humane Society offering a reward that can lead to an arrest of the abuser, someone should help this family so they do not need to lose their pet because of the expenses incurred due to this tragic situation.

Please sign and share this petition nationwide in an effort to get Chimacum in Washington to help a family who lost their dog, only to find it with 3 bullet wounds in its face. Not only do they not know who could possibly look into those big brown eyes and shoot the poor animal, the family is having a difficult time paying for the care their pet requires. This is a multipurpose petition to first demand they investigate and find the abuser of the dog to inflict punishment deserved; also implore that the city where the dog owners live to help them with resources needed to help the animal recover from its injuries.



Chimacum, WA and Humane Society - Please ensure you do a thorough investigation to find and punish who could do this to Victor the dog. This was a horrible act, to look into those deep brown eyes and pull the trigger. Can you also please find a way to help the family with the medical obligations of the dog so that they can have their pet returned to them. It is devastating enough to lose a pet, then to find it after it suffers horrible abuse, only to lose the animal (again) permanently because of the financial hardships incurred that resulted for abuse and cruelty; no fault of their own. Please find and punish the person who hurt the dog; don't punish the family because they cannot pay for what this monster did to Victor!

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