Justice for Ringling Bros. Elephants Locked in Boxcars for Four Days!

A report from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) found that Ringling Bros. denied veterinary care to three circus elephants for periods from one to four days.

The elephants -- named Nicole, Sara and Rudy -- were allegedly denied outdoor access while traveling in Florida. All three have histories of chronic foot lameness, typical for circus elephants, and must take prescribed medications daily. Records indicate that the animals skipped these medications for periods from one to four days. Ringling Bros. denies these allegations, saying that they received veterinary care on their trip, despite an absence of records to back up their statement.

Ringling Bros. appears to be lax in taking care of their elephants and/pr keeping medical records necessary for their animals' welfare. Please sign the petition to urge the USDA to fine Ringling Bros. for neglecting their elephants!

We, the undersigned, are writing in response to a recent report from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) which found that Ringling Bros. denied veterinary care to three circus elephants for periods from one to four days.

We understand that the elephants -- named Nicole, Sara and Rudy -- were allegedly denied outdoor access while traveling in Florida. All three have histories of chronic foot lameness, typical for circus elephants, and must take prescribed medications daily. Records indicate that the animals skipped these medications for periods from one to four days. Ringling Bros. denies these allegations, saying that they received veterinary care on their trip, but they failed to take records to prove their claims.

Ringling Bros. appears to be lax in taking care of their elephants and/pr keeping medical records necessary for their animals' welfare. We respectfully urge you to fine Ringling Bros. for apparently neglecting their elephants. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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