He Tied Puppies in Grocery Bags to Suffocate Them

  • von: Care2 Team
  • empfänger: Canton Township Authorities

On a distressing morning in Canton Township, neighbors heard desperate cries coming from a trash can – revealing a horrifying scene. Inside, four pit bull-type puppies were found in plastic grocery bags. Tragically, one was already deceased, and the remaining three suffered severe injuries. The abuser is facing charges, but we must ensure he never is allowed near animals again.

Sign the petition to demand this animal abuser receive a lifetime ban on animal ownership!

We must demand further preventative measures to ensure no other animal suffers under similar circumstances. A lifetime ban on animal ownership is necessary to safeguard the well-being of other potential animal victims.

These innocent babies deserved better.

Sign this petition to demand a lifetime ban on animal ownership for this act of unthinkable cruelty!

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