Michigan Loses Right to Farm Act-save this right!
- von: Jen Andrashie
- empfänger: Michigan Commission of Agriculture and Rural Development
I am writing to express my concern regarding the Right To Farm Act that was lost to Michigan residents recently. This ruling will have significant impacts on farmers and those that raise their own food/livestock.
Several years ago, our ancestors raised their own food on their land with no problems. Now we do have grocery stores and markets that we can buy food from, but much of this food is full of unhealthy substance and some products are even harmful. Farmers not only grow and raise their own food but they also sell it at markets that are depended on for income, so they can continue that cycle. Others can't afford to purchase food from stores, so they have no choice but to raise their own food.
Please don't take away the right for anyone to eat independently. You are taking away some families only food source.
Update #2vor 10 Jahren
Thank you everyone for your signatures and support! I will be sending the final signatures to the department, even though the rules have been updated. Thanks again for all of your help and here is an article on it for further information as of May 27th.
Update #1vor 10 Jahren
Attention has been brought to this big issue! There is now a public hearing to be held discussing the changes to Michigan's Right To Farm Act. It is now being looked at by the Legislature and the Senate Agriculture Commitee! Here is the link, for those of interested or wishing to attend: http://us7.campaign-archive2.com/?u=c9b2937d5c9adfe92dcf29812&id=aa9f35fcef&e=4a4adb7bae
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