MA Bans Breed-Specific Laws and Shelter Gas Chambers: Ask Others to Do the Same

  • von: Susan V
  • empfänger: State Legislatures

Animal lovers are celebrating Massachusetts’ landmark move to end breed-specific laws for dogs and ban inhumane methods of euthanizing unadopted shelter animals.

Thanks to the MA ASPCA and a number of other advocates, the new animal control bill passed and was gladly signed by Governor Patrick.

This means homeless animals will no longer face horrific death by gas chamber. It means pit bulls, which have for years been targeted by “dangerous dog“ legislations, can no longer be prohibited anywhere in the state.

Going even further to prevent inhumane treatment, the bill includes animals in domestic violence protection restraining orders. And it also includes a statewide spay/neuter program.

As a bonus, the entire package will cost taxpayers nothing, as the new changes to the animal control bill will be funded by donations.

Massachusetts is leading the way for the humane treatment of animals that all states should follow. Tell them to do so.

We, the undersigned, ask other states to follow Massachusetts’ landmark legislation promoting more humane treatment of animals.

Despite opposition to breed-specific bans voiced by the American Veterinary Medical Association, the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association, and the Centers for Disease Control, to name a few, the pit bull and a few other breeds have been unfairly targeted under “dangerous animal” laws that ignore the facts about what causes dog behavior, blaming the breed rather than the training or treatment.

Therefore the lead MA has taken has become necessary to protect certain breeds from discriminatory and often cruel treatment.

This change in animal control law is also necessary because, despite overwhelming evidence of the horrific death animals endure in shelter gas chambers, some shelters still use this cruel method to euthanize unadopted pets.

MA is showing the country that protecting animal rights is neither difficult nor more costly, and that there’s no excuse for other states not to follow its lead.

We request that all states adopt these and/or more humane measures.

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