Save Elephants World safe haven in Thailand

Elephants World's letter:

ElephantsWorld needs your help now more than ever!
Over the years we have been able to build this beautiful place, but now we are on the verge of losing it all. Due to circumstances out of our control, we need your help to purchase the land which ElephantsWorld is on, so we can continue to help more elephants into retirement.

Taken away

The land which was originally donated to ElephantsWorld is at risk of being taken away because the owner wishes to sell it. Only with your help we can continue to save elephants and provide them with the proper space and specialized care that they need. ElephantsWorld is the best place for these elephants to live as we give them a home, a hospital, the river, plenty of food and love. We do not want to leave this place, as moving would be very hard on both the animals and the people, so we must buy this land.

Our goal

Our goal is to continue caring for these majestic animals and guarantee their safety for the rest of their lives. To do that, we need to raise around € 300.000 or $ 340,000
(12 million Thai Baht), and for that reason we ask for your attention for the launch of our
#saveElephantsworld campaign today.

ElephantsWorld is a safe haven for all of our 28 elephants. We are able to give them the love and care they deserve. Thai staff, international volunteers and the mahouts work together to ensure these elephants lead the happiest lives possible. They can enjoy themselves in their own natural environment here until their last breath.

Right now we need all the help we can get, by way of donating, sponsoring, and of course sharing to help us spread the word. Please join in and share this campaign on Facebook, email it to all your friends and retweet our hashtag #saveelephantsworld.

With you, we can buy the land and continue to save elephants. Please consider helping today!


Goal of this petition :

Please SIGN this petition kindly asking the owners of the site to generously DONATE it to Elephants World and allow the rescued elephants to stay home. If not, we urge them to kindly negociate the most affordable price and conditions facilitating the purchase by Elephant's World.

Please SHARE this petition on Facebook, etc.

If you are able to make a donation that will help Elephants World to buy the site, please do so by clicking on :

or on:"

Thank you so very much on behalf of all rescued elephants!

Goal of this petition :

Since the land was originally donated to ElephantsWorld, the signers of this petition are respectfully asking the owners of the land to keep their words now and to donate the land as it was agreed and initially promised.

Thank you.

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