Please amend the present laws and allow Hong Kong people to keep dogs in their flats!!

  • von: Sze Wan Mak
  • empfänger: Chief Executive of HKSAR, Housing Departments of Hong Kong

It is really sad that for over a few decades, keeping dogs in the public housing estates and most of the buildings in Hong Kong is an illegal deed. Is it a bit ridiculous that Hong Kong seems to be a place that full of freedom but most Hong Kong people could not own a dog in their flats!! So in spite of the law, many dog-lovers in Hong Kong do live with their dogs secretly. However, the Housing Department of Hong Kong has been accusing all these illegal dog-owners harshly recently. It said that if the dogs were not casted out in two weeks time, the dog owners would be severely punished and the government would stop renting the flats to all the dog-owners. What makes the situation worse is that, not only in the public housing estates, but also in most of the buildings in Hong Kong, similar laws are set up to stop people having pet dogs in their own flats: If anyone is found that he/she raises dogs in the flat illegally, the dog-owner would be brought to the court and the dogs would be taken away! To many Hong Kong people, owning a dog in their flats would make them become criminals! Isn't it ridiculous?

Although dogs are not allowed in most of the estates, buildings and areas in Hong Kong, the number of dog-owners keeps increasing! Many Hong Kong people do not raise their own children but raise dogs as their kids and family members. Dogs to them are families! Most of the dog-owners are responsible owners that aware public hygiene by keeping the environment clean and would not allow their dogs to make the environment dirty. Besides, most of the dog-owners do train up their dogs so dogs could also live with people peacefully and in crowded places. Most of the dog-owners would welcome the setting up of laws in order to regulate the irresponsible dog-owners instead of totally disallowance of dogs. It is indeed a very inhuman and cruel law to forbid all the dogs in most of the public and private housings!

Dogs are our families!!! They are a part of us!!! Dogs are the friends of Humans and they are not our enemies!!! Dogs should be welcomed in our community!!!We really pray and hope that the present laws concerning dog-raising in the estates could be amended! Amendment is really a necessary as we do not want to see thousands of thousands abandoned dogs and the heart-breaking dog-owners that need to face the separation with their kids and family members! Please sign this petition and help!

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