Petition to Stop Harassment and Protect Our Community

    We, the undersigned, are coming together to take a stand against harassment and bullying from individuals like Danny de Hek, who misuse their influence to intimidate and threaten innocent members of our business community.

    This individual has been engaging in alarming behaviors, including:
    • Stalking and verbal threats
    • Invading our private spaces and meetings
    • Harassing our members and threatening their well-being
    As highlighted in this video exposing his actions: YouTube Video, many entrepreneurs, marketers, and leaders have fallen victim to his relentless tactics.

    We have repeatedly reported Danny de Hek to YouTube, asking them to either ban him or delete his false allegation videos, but our demands have fallen on deaf ears. YouTube has failed to protect us from him, choosing to allow his harmful behavior to persist rather than prioritizing the safety of our community.

    We demand action to protect our community:
    1. Ban Danny de Hek from YouTube and social media platforms to prevent further harassment and intimidation.
    2. Strengthen policies against cyberstalking and harassment to create safer environments for everyone.
    3. Raise awareness about the tactics used by this individual so others can be warned and better protected.

    We have the right to conduct our business freely and without fear. Together, we can create a safer, more supportive community.

    By signing this petition, you are standing up against harassment and supporting the call for action to protect our rights and safety.
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