stop hippos kill

The hippopotamus problem in Colombia

About 20 hippos who live in the died criminal Pablo Escobar ranch, near the main river of Colombia, are in danger of die, by a license of Corantioquia, environmental authority of the place, supported by the minister of environment ,to the hunters to kill hippos, they argue that they are dangerous and would kill some inhabitants of the zone, and the institution, do not have the money to keep them ,help to stop this crime write a petition to minister ( and the director (quejas y
Sr Minister of Environment of Colombia
Carlos Costa
Sr Corantioquia Director
Luis Alfonso Escobar

We the undersigned ,ask your attention about the life of the hippos ,menace specie who live peacefully in this country we
have no news about attacks from them there, stop the crime against
of those animals, to be exotics it is not a crime, your main function is to keep the Nature, search another solution, try to get funds but not kill the animals.thanks for your attention.
quejas y
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