Stop bill H.R. 2159 and H.R. 2401

  • von: We the people.
  • empfänger: All freedom loving Americans, gun owners or not.
This bill aims to strip "right wing extremists" of their 2nd amendment rights. Right wing extremists have been defined in the MIAC Report     as veterans, advocates of the 2nd amendment, people opposed to the North American Union, "right to life" advocates, worshippers of Odin, and third party candidate supporters among others.  H.R. 2159 gives the Attorny General of the US Eric Holder complete and sole discretion without due process to deny 2nd amendment rights to anyone deemed a "right wing extremist" whose definition is ever expanding.
   I just added H.R. 2401; No fly, No buy Act of 2009. This bill seeks to deny Americans 2nd amendment rights by linking the NICS background check system to anyone on the no fly list to deny their right to buy a firearm. People are put on the no fly list with no due process whatsoever and by extension will deny their 2nd amendment rights as well with no due process.
   I hope anyone who signed on to this petition for 2159 feels the same for  2401. If not I will delete their name.
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