Reform Carroll County (GA) Animal Control shelter

We declare that protecting animals in Carroll County, GA, is a legitimate and compelling public interest and petition the Carroll County Commissioners give adequate funding for the reform of the Carroll County Animal Control to prevent the unnecessary deaths of over 6,000 animals per year that end up dying after being impounded in the county shelter.  The Carroll County citizens request our taxpayer money be used to update, adequately fund and staff the county animal shelter for the proper care of the animals and preventative measures to reduce disease and intake.  Rescuers and humane groups from all over the country who have tried to rescue or help the animals also seek change so that they might help rescue and place adoptable animals from this shelter that are otherwise getting sick and/or being euthanized.  We petition for the following changes to be funded and implemented now, and appropriately increased, when the new county shelter is built:
- on-site daily veterinarian care
- age-appropriate vaccines for all entering animals
- increase hold time for animals to be claimed
- scanning all animals for microchips upon intake
- microchipping all animals adopted to increase reclaim
- spaying/neutering all animals before adoption to reduce reproduction
- hire more permanent employees trained in disease control to care for the animals and to manage/train prisoners (ie,need more staff)
- create a friendly atmosphere for public and volunteers by not using county prison inmates in public areas (ie, need more staff)
- hire more field officers to be able to quickly investigate and prosecute animal cruelty cases (ie, need more staff)
- promoting animals on-line and taking animals for off-site adoptions
- creating and utilizing a foster care program
- proper and adequate quarantine of incoming animals to identify diseases and prevent spread (need new shelter finished ASAP)
- utilizing rescue groups whenever possible
- use signs and communications to the public, and get in writing, that animals that are being relinquished are authorized to be killed
- feeding high-quality age-appropriate food (i.e., kitten food for kittens and puppy food for puppies)
- expand adoption hours to some nights and extended weekend hours to give working individuals an opportunity to reclaim or adopt
- implement medical and behavioral rehabilitation programs to solve problems and encourage pet-retention instead of relinquishment

We  the undersigned ask the County Commissioners to reform the conditions and care of animals at the Carroll County (GA) Animal Shelter that is under the Carroll County Commissioners direction and funding.  We implore you to increase the Animal Control budget to implement changes to  the conditions and the care the animals receive so they are not innocently dying due mostly to underfunding, understaffing and lack of pro-active programs to reduce intake.  Over 6000 animals per year die in this shelter by either contracted sickness or euthanasia.   These demands are what most nation-wide shelters already provide in their care and services of animals and it is time to seek these life-saving changes for our communities' animals.  A new, bigger, shelter (voted and payed for by the citizens/taxpayers) is underway to be built and even more money will be spent and more animals will die in a bigger shelter if the direction, funding, staffing and program services are not changed.   Pro-active approaches in reducing intake and better care of the animals so they can be adopted or rescued is the only life-saving way and to reduce future costs to the taxpayers.   The animals cannot speak for themselves, so it is time we speak up for them, and stop the innocent deaths of thousands.   It is our tax money being used to kill them so it is like each one of us is responsible for their deaths if we do not get change now!   Thank you for taking the time to read this. 
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