Save "Boston Legal"


We, the undersigned, are fans of the DISNEY / ABC / CAP  production Boston Legal, and we strongly oppose your decision not to carry another season of this amazing show. This show has proven to be a very popular show in all parts of the world, with a very loyal and strong fan base in Canada, the U.K., and the United States. Boston Legal is an entertaining , thought provoking, and intelligent show that includes its audience in its production as well as makes us think and at the same time laugh, which is very rare to see on television these days. Please do not let Boston Legal disappear from our television viewing.

We urge you to reconsider your decision, and renew the show. Thank you for taking the time to consider our request. We hope you will listen to us fans and take our pleas to heart.  We all hope to see Boston Legal return to your programming schedule in the near future.


Hello.  Although I didn't make my goal of signatures I hope that the 300 that did sign it voices matter.  We will all miss Boston Legal.  I am saddened that your Network would just let go of such a quality program.

Thank you,

Carolyn Moon, Omaha, Nebraska

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