SAVE BALI DOGS! Help Eliminate the Cruel Treatment of Animals in Indonesia.

Please take a moment to sign an important petition requesting the Indonesian Government to create an effective law against cruelty to dogs.   Every day in Bali dogs are poisoned or stolen, often for meat.  Others are starved, beaten or neglected, but there is no law to protect them. The Bali Animal Welfare Association (BAWA) works proactively to educate children in the correct treatment of companion animals and provides free medical care to street dogs and dogs owned by Balinese including sterilization, ambulance services and a rescue program.  But without effective animal welfare laws, BAWA is handicapped.

We need another 5000 signatures to meet our target.  If you love dogs, please sign this petition and add your voice to ours.  Then send this to as many people as you can.  If you're interested in other ways to help us, please visit

As Bali residents and visitors, we are deeply concerned and distressed by the widespread suffering of dogs on the island.  This includes poisoning, theft of dogs, confinement in the hot sun without water, and other horrific cruelties.

This animal suffering causes considerable human suffering too. It is shocking for Balinese and foreign residents to find their pets poisoned and suffering a horrible death. Such events are often also witnessed by tourists who return to their home countries with negative stories of inhumane animal treatment, thereby discouraging family and friends from visiting Bali and, consequently, undermining our important tourism industry.   In addition, food stalls (RW warungs) sell dog meat from pets and street dogs killed by poisoning with potassium cyanide. Such meat can and does cause serious health problems and, potentially, even death in humans.

Many countries throughout the world have, and enforce, comprehensive laws that protect the welfare of animals. It would reflect well on Indonesia if such laws were in place and enforced here.

We therefore urge the development and enforcement of comprehensive laws that prohibit the poisoning of any dogs and the stealing of companion animals, and that prohibit the cruel treatment of animals generally.

As Bali residents and visitors, we are deeply concerned and distressed by the widespread suffering of dogs on the island.  This includes poisoning, theft of dogs, confinement in the hot sun without water, and other horrific cruelties.

This animal suffering causes considerable human suffering too. It is shocking for Balinese and foreign residents to find their pets poisoned and suffering a horrible death. Such events are often also witnessed by tourists who return to their home countries with negative stories of inhumane animal treatment, thereby discouraging family and friends from visiting Bali and, consequently, undermining our important tourism industry.   In addition, food stalls (RW warungs) sell dog meat from pets and street dogs killed by poisoning with potassium cyanide. Such meat can and does cause serious health problems and, potentially, even death in humans.

Many countries throughout the world have, and enforce, comprehensive laws that protect the welfare of animals. It would reflect well on Indonesia if such laws were in place and enforced here.

We therefore urge the development and enforcement of comprehensive laws that prohibit the poisoning of any dogs and the stealing of companion animals, and that prohibit the cruel treatment of animals generally.

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