Protect French Language Instruction at Glendon

  • von: CUPE 3903
  • empfänger: York Administration

In September, 2011, the York administration introduced changes to French language instruction at Glendon College, York’s bilingual campus known for its small class sizes. The proposed changes would mean much larger class sizes for French language instruction (increasing from 30 students to 80 students). To enact the changes, York will replace 15 long service contract faculty with just two contractually limited appointments and one full time tenured faculty member. If our members in French Studies receive any work at all, it shall be through running tutorials for these new larger classes--what would be, in effect, a reduction in their responsibilities for a higher workload and reduced pay. The changes to French Studies are only the beginning as other programs at Glendon are also facing larger class sizes and reduced course offerings.

The CUPE 3903 Bargaining Team and Executive are committed to negotiating protections for our members at Glendon who are affected by these changes; we are also committed to negotiating to maintain smaller class sizes (especially for language instruction) but we need your help. If you support smaller class sizes and respect for long service contract faculty, please sign below and we will make sure that York gets the message.

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