Only Performing Monkeys left unattended,Why?
Monkey's are protected under the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 here in India being an wild animal, which is the property of Indian Government, no one can keep as pet, train to perform them but Monkey's are still performing in captivity, which is against the law of the land. The Govt. of India banned five wild species Lion, Tiger, Panther, Bear and Monkey in 1998, rest all four wild animal species are rescued and rehabilitated but dancing monkey left unattended. Let us be united to fight for monkey's in captivity for their rescue and rehabilitation. Breaking News : - Please help performing Monkey's from unnecessary pain and sufferings in India......
Five wild species lion, tiger, panther, bear and monkey's were banned in India vide Notification dated 14-10-1998. The People for Animals Haryana founder chairman introduced a scheme for rehabilitation of performing bear along with Kalandars and start snatching performing monkeys and bear from illegal captivity, many circus and Kalanders were raided by Naresh Kadyan alone. Rashtriya Kalander Samaj Kalyan Panchyat was constituted and registered under his chairmanship, Smt. Maneka Gandhi was the chief patron and Smt. Geeta Seshmani amongst members along with leading people from Kalander community, another group moved a public interest litigation in the Delhi High Court and Naresh Kadyan was placed as a respondent No. 5, this PIL was dismissed by the court.
Tiger, Lions, Panther and Bear are now rescued but Monkey is still left unattended to perform on roads and streets, the International Organisation for Animal Protection - OIPA in India along with the PFA Haryana again moved a campaign to rescue and release dancing Monkey during Animal Welfare Fortnight, 2010. Where as a RTI petition was moved before Speaker, Lok Sabha about the status of these banned animals which was replied half backed by the Animal Welfare Division.
Let us shake hands again to rescue these banned performing monkeys and PFA Haryana ready to keep them for treatment, care and shelter. MINISTRY OF SOCIAL JUSTICE AND EMPOWERMENT
New Delhi, the 14th October, 1998
G.S.R. 619(E). Whereas the High Court of Delhi in C.W.P No. 890/91 by its order dated 21st August, 1997 directed that "the Central Government may take up the notification dated 2-3-1991 for consideration afresh" and "take into consideration such material as may be available with it or it may choose to collect through any of the authentic agencies or such other agency or committee of experts as it may choose to appoint";
Whereas in pursuance of the order of the Honble High Court of Delhi, the Central Government constituted a Committee under the Chairmanship of Additional Inspector General of Forests (Wildlife) to have a fresh tool at the notification G S P No.252 dated 2-3-1991 in the light of the additional material available with any authenticated agencies such other agency persons;
Whereas the said Committee submitted its report to the Central Government;
Whereas the Central Government has taken into consideration the report of the said Committee;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 22 of the Prevention of Cruelty of Animals Act, 1960 (59 of 1960), and in supersession of the Notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests G.S.R. No. 252 dated 2-3-1991 and G.S.R. No. 485 dated 7-8-1991, except as respects things done or omitted to be done before such supersession, the Central Government hereby specifies that the following animals shall not be exhibited on trained as a performing animals, with effect from the date of publication of this notification, namely
1.Bears 2. Monkeys 3. Tigers
4.Panthers 5. Lions
[File No. 9-9/97-A.W.]
Dr. M.S. AHMED, Jt. Secy.

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