Lets get Alan Rickman in Madam Tussauds!!

  • empfänger: To have a wax figure of Alan Rickman put in Madam Tussauds in London.
Alan Rickman is a British actor with a huge fan base across the whole world. He is a true English treasure with an impressive portfolio which includes major films, independant works and theatre.

This man has achieved so much and deserves a place in Tussaurds.

If we can get lots and lots of signatures I will send this to the representatives of Madam Tussauds in London.

Please spread the word!
The Management team of Madam Tussauds,

We are writing to you in the hope that you will consider the amazing actor 'Alan Rickman' to be immortalised in wax in your fabulous gallery.

Alan has achieved so much in his working career, mastering films such as Die Hard, Robin Hood, Sense & Sensibility and of course playing the teacher we all love to hate, Severus Snape, in the Harry Potter films. 

Alan contributes greatly to the entertainment industry and supports alot of charities. He really deserves a place there and this petition goes some way to showing you how many people support this idea.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I hope that you will seriously consider taking this action.
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