SA's TRC was a fake political PR stunt!

Petition Admin Note: The Norwegian (Nobel Peace Institute), Canadian (Min. of Citizenship & Immigration, et al), and RSA Authorities (including Former Presidents Mbeki & Mandela) were notified of this Petition on 22 September 2009; when the Letter to the Norwegian Nobel Institute was submitted as Evidentiary document [FF.01][b] (PDF), in"White Refugee" Application to High Court, W.Cape # 19963-09 [Proof of Service PDF]; along with [FF.02][a]: Why We Are White Refugees Petition (PDF); and [HH]: expert witness Affidavit of "Dr. Truth" Brad Blanton Ph.D. (PDF). The Petition below is a brief excerpt from original letter and evidentiary documentation to the Norwegian Nobel Institute, and Mr. Nelson Mandela, Mr. F.W. de Klerk and Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

06 June 2009

The Nobel Institute: Norwegian Nobel Committee:
Thorbjorn Jagland (Chair); Kaci Kullmann Five (Deputy Chair)
Sissel Marie Ronbeck; Inger-Marie Ytterhorn; & Agot Valle (Members)
Henrik Ibsens Gate 51, No-0255 Oslo, Norway
Tel: (47) 22 12 93 00 | Fax: (47) 22 12 93 10
Email: &

Dear Norwegian Nobel Committee,

Notice of Legal and Political Request to: Withdraw Nobel Peace Prizes from Nelson Mandela, F.W. de Klerk, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, for (a) Intellectual Dishonesty & Hypocrisy; (b) Moral, Political and Religious Prostitution; and (c) TRC-RSA Fraud and Betrayal

As stated in Final Honourable Notice of Legal and Political Delivery: Elimination of TRC-RSA Nobel Peace Prize Recipients Plausible Deniability, to allegations that your Human Rights Advocacy is guilty of (i) Intellectual Dishonesty and Hypocrisy; (ii) Moral, Political and Religious Prostitution; and (iii) TRC-RSA Fraud and Betrayal, to TRC-RSA Peace Prize Recipients: (I) Former South African Presidents: (i) Nelson Mandela and (ii) F.W. de Klerk; and (II) Archbishop Desmond Tutu; we request that their Nobel Peace Prizes be withdrawn for among others the following reasons:

[I.] Their Intentional, Deliberate and perhaps Malicious Avoidance of Sincere Honourable Truthfully Transparent Advocacy for Ecological Sustainable Principles of Sustainable Human Rights, Peace and Social Justice; namely their refusal to advocate on behalf of stable population policy common sense:

[a] Their Hypocrisy: To advocate for human rights, peace, and social justice, while ignoring their necessary ecological basis --— a stable human population – at, or slightly less than – the eco-systems long term carrying capacity --- is intellectual dishonesty and hypocrisy.

[b] Their Cowardly Silence and lack of leadership to denounce the African Ideal of Manhood, and its hateful procreation and population explosion of poverty stricken hated, unloved and unwanted slave and cannon fodder bred children; resulting in a nation where one child is raped every three minutes (News24), where Johannesburg alone has  10,000 child prostitutes (News24).

[II] Brutal and Vicious betrayal of Foot-soldiers like Eugene de Kock, not to mention the victims of Camp Quatro and other coverups deemed by the TRC, not to fit their 'Truth according to the ANC' mandate.
[III] Their Fraud of pretending Truth and Reconciliation occurred, while South Africa is winning gold medals in the World Crime & Rape Olympics; not to mention the racially motivated anger and hate (certainly not reconciliation) underlying South Africa's epidemic of Farm Murders.

[IV] The Lies of the Truth Commission, which made no effort whatsoever to ascertain the true foundational population policy causes for the introduction of Apartheid; nor did the TRC acknowledge the realities that the black poor in South Africa under the alleged evil white apartheid regime, thanks to Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd and various apartheid policies, had the highest living standards of any poor blacks on the continent of Africa.

Finally, to consider the following nominations of Ecological Sustainable Candidates, whose Human Rights, Peace and Social Justice work, honourably qualifies for the aforementioned principles in accordance with their adherance to the Laws of Sustainability; ---- (a) Dr. Albert Bartlett (Arithmetic, Population and Energy/The Essential Exponential: For the Future of Our Planet!) , (b) Garret Hardin (Tragedy of the Commons/Garret Hardin Society) and (c) M. King Hubbert (Hubbert Peak of Oil Production/Steady State Economy, etc.).

Please ensure this Petition's Official Archival in the Nobel Institute Archive Library.

Respectfully Submitted,
We the undersigned, hereby provide you with our,

Notice of Legal and Political Petition to:

(I) Withdraw Nobel Peace Prizes from Nelson Mandela, F.W. de Klerk, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, for (a) Intellectual Dishonesty & Hypocrisy; (b) Moral, Political and Religious Prostitution; and (c) TRC-RSA Fraud and Betrayal; and

(II) Accept Nobel Peace Prize Nominations for Dr. Albert Bartlett; Dr. Garret James Harden, and Dr. M. King Hubbert, for Intellectually Honest and Politically Honourable Ecologically Sustainable, Human Rights, Peace and Social Justice Advocacy.

Please Take Notice of Request for the Norwegian Nobel Committees:

[1] Official Forwarding of: Final Honourable Notice of Legal and Political Delivery: Elimination of TRC-RSA Nobel Peace Prize Recipients Plausible Deniability, to allegations that your Human Rights Advocacy is guilty of (i) Intellectual Dishonesty and Hypocrisy; (ii) Moral, Political and Religious Prostitution; and (iii) TRC-RSA Fraud and Betrayal, to TRC-RSA Peace Prize Recipients: (I) Former South African Presidents: (i) Nelson Mandela and (ii) F.W. de Klerk; and (II) Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

[2] Serious Sincere Enquiry into the allegations of plausible TRC Fraud and Betrayal, by TRC-RSA Nobel Peace Prize Recipients, that: (i) South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission was a massive fraud upon South Africans, black and white; (ii) Proudly South African/TRC-RSA are not seriously committed to Truth Telling, Transparency and Forgiveness; and (iii) If not, whether the TRC-RSA 'social contract' is null and void, as a result of TRC fraud and betrayal.

[3] In the event of your enquiry concluding that sufficient beyond reasonable doubt evidence exists for the aforementioned allegations; to:

Withdraw the aforementioned Nobel Peace Prize Nominations, from the aforementioned Nobel Peace Prize Hypocrits, Moral, Political and Religious Prostitutes and Fraudulent Betrayers; for these reasons -- as stated.

[4] Please accept our nomination of the following indivduals whose Human Rights, Peace and Social Justice work, honourably qualifies for those principles in accordance with their integrity adherance to the Laws of Sustainability; ---- (a) Dr. Albert Bartlett (Arithmetic, Population and Energy/The Essential Exponential: For the Future of Our Planet!) , (b) Garret Hardin (Tragedy of the Commons/Garret Hardin Society) and (c) M. King Hubbert (Hubbert Peak of Oil Production/Steady State Economy, etc.).

[5] Official Archival of this documentation in the Nobel Institute Archive Library.

[Encl's: Per Original]

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