Demand Punishment Against U.S. Service Men Killing Sheep with a Baseball Bat

We the undersigned demand a punishment into the actions of U.S. Service Men killing sheep with a baseball bat!

The short video of a sheep being dragged into a room and beaten to death by a baseball bat by US Service Men surfaced at the beginning of November.

Watch a video here:

January 19th Update - Army Times put out a news release stating an investigation is underway. (Article: )

Further more it says "Military personnel could be punished for their actions in the sheep beating video under Article 134 of the Uniform Code of Military justice, said Abraham Burgess, an attorney who specializes in military law."

We demand punishment to all who are found in this video under Article 134 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

  Further more the article states:

"Marine Corps Gen. John Allen, the ISAF commander, and Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis, the commander of U.S. Central Command, have received numerous emails about the video and responded to them individually, the spokesman said."

You can email both Marine Corps Gen. John Allen, the ISAF commander, and Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis, the commander of U.S. Central Command by using the following emails:



Then contact the White House and President Obama:

We the undersigned demand a punishment into the actions of U.S. Service Men killing sheep with a baseball bat!

The short video of a sheep being dragged into a room and beaten to death by a baseball bat by US Service Men surfaced at the beginning of November.

Watch a video here:

We were outraged and demanded an investigation.

January 19th Update - Army Times put out a news release stating an investigation is underway. (Article: )

Further more it says "Military personnel could be punished for their actions in the sheep beating video under Article 134 of the Uniform Code of Military justice, said Abraham Burgess, an attorney who specializes in military law."

We demand punishment to all who are found in this video under Article 134 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. We also would like the verdict on this matter publicly announced.

Thank you President Obama for taking the time to read our concern.
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