Charge Latiese Reed with 4 class D felony counts in the abandoment and subsequent death of 4 dogs.

Latiese Reed has been charged with 4 counts of misdemeanor animal cruelty (which she has yet to answer for and a bench warrant is currently active for her arrest) However based on the circumstance which the 4 decomposing dogs were abdonded and subsequently found we ask that the Vanderburgh County prosecutor's office charge reed with 4 counts of animal torture under Indiana Animal Cruelty Statutes:


IC 35-46-3-12
Torture or mutilation of a vertebrate animal; killing a domestic animal

A person who knowingly or intentionally tortures or mutilates a vertebrate animal commits torturing or mutilating a vertebrate animal, a Class D felony.

(5) "Torture" means:

 (A) to inflict extreme physical pain or injury on an animal with the intent of increasing or prolonging the animal's pain

STARVATION: Experts in the animal care field can attest to the great length of time it takes an animal to starve to death, and the great pain and cruelty the animal is subjected to during this time.  This is cruelty in its most severe form, and must be punished as such.  
On October 23rd 2010 Evansville, IN police were summoned to a residence in the 1600 block of South Morton avenue following neighbor complaints of a foul odor coming from the home. Upon entering the home police discovered the decomposing bodies of 2 dogs locked in their kennels and another dog and puppy were discovered in the basement. It was determined that the animals had been deceased for at least 2 months due to starvation and dehydration. The owner of the home, Latiese Jovan Reed had not been seen by neighbors for several months as well her landlord reported that her utilities had not been paid for several months indicating that the home and animals had been abandoned by Reed. 

In regards to  Latiese Jovan Reed

Case # 82DO51101CM113  4 counts misdemeanor animal cruelty

Vanderburgh County

We the undersigned animal advocates and voices for the voiceless ask that the charges against Reed be increased to 4 counts of torture of a vertebrae animal under IC 35-46-3-12 a class D felony.

Latiese Reed not only knowingly and willingly abandoned 4 animals with no intention of returning she left 2 of the dogs locked inside kennels with no chance of escaping the home as well as 2 more dogs locked inside the basement of the abandoned home also with no hope of escape.  At no time following her abandonment of the residence in the 1600 block of S. Morton Ave. did she make any effort to seek salvation for the above stated innocent animals. She could have made an anonymous call to animal control, given them to a friend or even dropped them at a shelter. It was with complete and total disregard for the welfare of the 4 animals that she chose on the day in question to leave the residence and turn her back on the animals.


Under Indiana Animal Cruelty Statutes:


IC 35-46-3-12
Torture or mutilation of a vertebrate animal; killing a domestic animal

A person who knowingly or intentionally tortures or mutilates a vertebrate animal commits torturing or mutilating a vertebrate animal, a Class D felony.

(5) "Torture" means:

 (A) to inflict extreme physical pain or injury on an animal with the intent of increasing or prolonging the animal's pain

STARVATION: Experts in the animal care field can attest to the great length of time it takes an animal to starve to death, and the great pain and cruelty the animal is subjected to during this time.  This is cruelty in its most severe form, and must be punished as such.



We pray for the sake of animals who were forced to endure such cruel torture for such a long time at the hand of this woman that you send the message that such lack of regard for animal welfare and abuse will not be tolerated not only in Evansville but the state if Indiana as well. 

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