BOYCOTT JCPENNEY-Black Pregnant Mother made to lay down on I-70 Highway in Independence Mo.

Happened in Indepedence Mo-Kansas City, MO

It started by the racist action of JCPENNEY security, calling the Indepence Police Department stating that a Black Female was looking into cars and stealing them. No camera's showed Yvette Hayes ever leaving her car. She was followed 4 miles and stopped and surround by police. Order to throw her keys out of her car,told to walk backwards,then to lay on her stomach,6 months PREGNANT, and with two small children in the car crying and scared cause their mother is crying and hollering that she is PREGNANT. (Noticeable showing) is barefooted. After several minutes she is ordered to calm down and then instructed to calm her children down while she is clearly upset,scared, alone on the highway surround by police. Yvette is also a MINISTER! A WOMAN OF GOD! 

if we allow anyone to disrespect  Women, then it directly affects all MAN KIND!  This should not be tolerated, it has to stop,and we have the power to do it. Boycott JCPENNEY,in every state. Support Yvette Hayes in her efforts, write the Kansas City, Star, City Council Members / Mayor, Missouri State Rep./Senators, your Senators and voice your concern.
This is your mother, sister,wife,girlfriend,cousin. If this could happen to someone that is what society considers a role model-33years and a Principal then what chance does someone with not the same status has?
Missouri was the last state to be free, so that tells it all.

 Yvette's Hayes story must stay out there in the publics eyes, we can not turn our heads and backs as if it never happened. What about her children that were in the car? What long term effects will this have on them to see their mother lay on the ground on a highway like a dead dog.

No amount of money is worth what she had and is going thru.

Yvette Hayes, was forced to lie face down on the ground on the side of I-70 after being falsely identified by JC Penney Security Officials as a car thief.  JC Penney alleged that Principal Hayes was prowling a vehicle and stealing cars. Hayes is a principal of an elementary school in Kansas City MO, member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., two-time Sunday School Superintendent, Licensed Evangelist, mother of two beautiful girls, and is 6 months pregnant. Hayes embodies the American Dream and exemplifies true womanhood. The only crime she committed was sitting in her vehicle as a Black Woman in the JC Penney parking lot.
We ask that you do not purchase anything from JC Penney and encourage others to do the same. Also, we want everyone to flood JC Penney with calls at 972-431-4181 and 972-431-2217. Tell them you are concerned with their racist treatment of Yvette Hayes and you will no longer patronize their stores because of their history of racial profiling. For more information, contact me, Marvin Lyman at 816-812-1570.
For additional cases of JC Penney Racism & Racial Profiling around the country:
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