Help Get the Water back at The Animal House, Jamaica * In German, Spanish & Italion Translations

The Animal House, the only no-kill animal shelter on the island of Jamaica located just outside of Ocho Rios, leases their premises from the Jamaican Bauxite Mining Company (JBM), which is government- owned.  Up until recently JBM supplied them with both power and water, but then The Animal House was advised that JBM would be phasing out some of its operations including the supply of these  services. However, they were also advised at that time that the public utility companies would  provide these vital services going forward. The  Animal House was never informed that there would be a disruption to the shelter's vital power and water service, yet both services were cut off without notice.  Using a borrowed generator  they managed to keep operating while the power was disrupted.  Power was restored after several months, however the Animal House continues it's work with no running water!  The Animal House staff and volunteers have been forced to carry water in by hand and when possible trucking in water at considerable expense.   The shelter cares for over 150 animals, but they are still without water for the animals in this extreme tropical environment.  Upon further investigation of the water supply, the  Animal House found that a private company, National Meats, which also leases property from JBM has taken over the water line which they share with Animal House and decided to turn off the valve that supplies water to the Animal House.  National Meats was concerned they might incur additional expense maintaining the water line.  Animal House has also learned that the National Water Commission which was expected to take over the water supply no longer has intentions to do so. The  Animal House has appealed to everyone possible including the Jamaican Prime Minister's office.  A meeting was arranged between The Animal House, National Meats and the NWC neither National Meats nor the National Water Commission was willing to correct the situation.  The Animal House was told that they should collect rain water or pay for the installation of a new pipeline (US$15,000) after which the NWC would give them a water meter. And so, as stated above, pending a resolution they are being forced to truck in water.  The situation is appalling and no one cares enough to rectify the situation. The Animal House is grateful that after 5 months the power is back, which is truly a blessing, but adds "now if only we could get the water turned back on".

Please help by signing this petition  and forwarding it to everyone you know and lets get the water turned back on for all those poor animals!  Thanks for caring.

Bitte helfen Sie, damit das Tierheim ANIMAL HOUSE / Jamaika wieder Wasser bekommt!

An: Honourable Bruce Golding, Premierminister von Jamaika

Gesponsert von: Maureen Sheridan & Yvette Rubery

Das ANIMAL HOUSE, das einzige Tierheim auf Jamaika, das keine Tiere t%uFFFDtet, liegt in der N%uFFFDhe von Ocho Rios und pachtet sein Grundst%uFFFDck von der Fa. Jamaican Bauxite Mining Company (JBM), welche dem Staat geh%uFFFDrt. Bis vor kurzem versorgte JBM das ANIMAL HOUSE mit Strom und Wasser, aber dann wurde das ANIMAL HOUSE  benachrichtigt, dass JBM einige seiner Bereiche stufenweise abbauen w%uFFFDrde, wozu die Lieferungen an das ANIMAL HOUSE  geh%uFFFDren w%uFFFDrden. Allerdings informierte man das ANIMAL HOUSE  gleichzeitig, dass die %uFFFDffentlichen Versorgungsbetriebe daf%uFFFDr sorgen w%uFFFDrden, dass diese lebenswichtigen Lieferungen weitergehen. Das ANIMAL HOUSE  ist niemals informiert worden, dass die lebenswichtige Strom- und Wasserversorgung des Tierheims unterbrochen w%uFFFDrde, doch dann wurden beide Lieferungen ohne Vorank%uFFFDndigung unterbrochen. Dank eines Leihgenerators konnte das Tierheim w%uFFFDhrend der Stromabsperrung weiterarbeiten. Die Stromversorgung wurde nach einigen Monaten wiederhergestellt, aber das ANIMAL HOUSE  arbeitet weiterhin ohne flie%uFFFDendes Wasser! Die Mitarbeiter des ANIMAL HOUSE  und Freiwillige waren gezwungen, Wasser eimerweise oder wenn m%uFFFDglich per kostspieliger Tankwagentransporte zu beschaffen. Das Tierheim versorgt mehr als 150 Tiere, aber man hat in dieser extrem tropischen Gegend immer noch kein Wasser f%uFFFDr die Tiere.

Bei weiteren Nachforschungen bzgl. der Wasserversorgung fand das ANIMAL HOUSE  heraus, dass ein Privatunternehmen namens National Meats, welches auch sein Grundst%uFFFDck von JBM pachtet, die Wasserleitung, die dieses Unternehmen mit dem ANIMAL HOUSE  teilte, beschlossen hatte, das Ventil zu schlie%uFFFDen, durch welches das Wasser zum ANIMAL HOUSE  flie%uFFFDt. Das Unternehmen National Meats bef%uFFFDrchtete, dass bei Beibehaltung der Wasserleitung zus%uFFFDtzliche Kosten entstehen k%uFFFDnnten. ANIMAL HOUSE  hat auch erfahren, dass die Nationale Wasserbeh%uFFFDrde, von der man erwartete, die Wasserversorgung zu %uFFFDbernehmen, dies nicht mehr beabsichtigt. ANIMAL HOUSE  hat an alle M%uFFFDglichen appelliert, so auch an das B%uFFFDro des Premierministers. Bei einer Besprechung mit ANIMAL HOUSE, dem Unternehmen National Meats und der Nationalen Wasserbeh%uFFFDrde waren weder National Meats noch Nationale Wasserbeh%uFFFDrde bereit, das Problem zu l%uFFFDsen. Dem ANIMAL HOUSE  wurde gesagt, dass sie Regenwasser sammeln sollten oder f%uFFFDr den Bau einer neuen Leitung zum ANIMAL HOUSE  bezahlen sollten (15.000 US$) und dann eine Wasseruhr von der Nationalen Wasserbeh%uFFFDrde installiert w%uFFFDrde. Da eine Entscheidung noch aussteht, ist man gezwungen, Wasser mit Tankwagen zu holen. Die Situation ist schrecklich, aber niemanden st%uFFFDrt das so sehr, dass er die Problemlage beheben w%uFFFDrde. Das ANIMAL HOUSE  ist dankbar, dass nach 5 Monaten die Stromversorgung wiederhergestellt ist, was wahrlich ein Segen ist, aber wenn doch auch die Wasserversorgung wiederhergestellt w%uFFFDrde!

Bitte helfen Sie durch Unterzeichnen dieser Petition und leiten diese weiter an alle, die Sie kennen, damit die armen Tiere wieder mit Wasser versorgt werden! Vielen Dank f%uFFFDr Ihre Hilfe!

Ayuda a que vuelva el agua para el refugio The Animal House en Jamaica

Para el Ilustre Bruce Golding, Primer Ministro de Jamaica.

Promovido por:  Maureen Sheridan & Yvette Rubery

 The Animal House es un refugio para animales ubicado cerca de Ocho Rios en Jamaica y es el unico de la isla en contra del sacrificio. El refugio alquila los establecimientos de la Jamaican Bauxite Mining Company (JBM), impresa de propiedad del gobierno. Hasta hace poco la JBM  le suministraba tambien el agua y la electricidad pero luego le advirtio que iba dejando algunas de sus actividades incluyendo el suministro de estos servicios. Sin embargo tambi%uFFFDn se comento en aquel momento que las empresas de servicio publico iban a garantizar el seguimiente de esto vital suministro.  Nunca se inform%uFFFD The Animal House  que se iba a producir una interrupci%uFFFDn del suministro de agua y electricidad del refugio pues ambos los servicios fueron cortado sin previo aviso. El rifugio ha logrado mantenerse funcionante gracias a un generador  prestado durante el periodo de falta de electricidad. Pasado unos meses devolvieron el suministro el%uFFFDctrico, sin embargo el refugio sigue sus tareas sin agua corriente! El personal y los voluntarios deben de  transportar el agua de su propria mano y cuando posible a trav%uFFFDs del trasporte en cami%uFFFDn con un coste muy alto.  El refugio cuida unos 150 animales pues aun no tienen agua en un entorno tropical. Despu%uFFFDs de investigaci%uFFFDnes ulteriores sobre el suministro de agua,  Animal House  descubri%uFFFD que una empresa particular, la National Meats, tambi%uFFFDn arriendante propiedades de la JBM, tom%uFFFD el control de la tuber%uFFFDa compartida con el refugio y decidi%uFFFD cerrar la v%uFFFDlvula que provee agua para Animal House, siendo preocupada por los gastos suplementarios.Adem%uFFFDs Animal House aprendi%uFFFD que la National Water Commission no tiene mas la intenci%uFFFDn de tomar el mando del suministro de agua como se daba por hecho. Animal house se apel%uFFFD a todo el mundo, incluyendo el Despacho del  Primer Ministro. Se organiz%uFFFD un encuentro entre Animal House, National Meat y NWC pero ninguna de las dos estaban despuestos a cambiar la  situaci%uFFFDn. La sugerencia ha sido la de recuperar el agua pluvial o de pagar para la instalaci%uFFFDn de una nueva tuberia (15,000 dolares) despues de eso, la NWC dar%uFFFDa un contador de agua.  Entonces, como mencionado anteriormente, esperando una soluci%uFFFDn el refugio  es obligado a trasportar el agua. Es una situaci%uFFFDn horrorosa y  a nadie le importa lo suficiente para rectificarla. Animal House agradece el hecho que la electricidad ha vuelto despu%uFFFDs de 5 meses, %u201Ces una bendici%uFFFDn de verdad%u201D, y a%uFFFDade %u201Cahora si pudieran devolvernos el agua!%u201D.
Por favor ayudenos firmando esta  petici%uFFFDn y envi%uFFFDndola a tus conocidos y  hagamos que el agua sea devuelta para los pobres animalitos del refugio! Gracias por tu soporte.

Aiutaci a far ripristinare l%u2019acqua corrente al Rifugio The Animal House, Giamaica.

Al Signor Primo Ministro della Giamaica, Onorevole Bruce Golding.

Petizione promossa da Maureen Sheridan e Yvette Rubery.

The Animal House %uFFFD un rifugio per animali situato presso Ocho Rios in Jamaica, l%u2019unico sull%u2019isola che non pratica l%u2019eutanasia. Il rifugio affitta i propri stabili dalla Jamaican Bauxite Mining Company (JBM), una societ%uFFFD di propriet%uFFFD del governo.
Fino a poco tempo fa questa impresa garantiva la fornitura di acqua ed energia elettrica, poi  fu comunicato che sarebbero state cessate alcune attivit%uFFFD tra cui questo servizio. Ciononostante all%u2019epoca fu indicato che le societ%uFFFD di servizi pubblici avrebbero fatto in modo di non interrompere l%u2019erogazione di questi beni fondamentali. Ma nonostante questo %uFFFD stata interrotta, senza preavviso, la fornitura sia dell%u2019acqua sia dell%u2019energia elettrica, entrambe vitali per il rifugio. Il rifugio %uFFFD riuscito a rimanere operativo durante questo periodo grazie ad un generatore preso in prestito. Dopo alcuni mesi %uFFFD stata ripristinata l%u2019energia elettrica ma il rifugio continua a non avere acqua corrente! Il personale ed i volontari sono costretti a portare l%u2019acqua per conto proprio o facendola trasportare, solo quando possibile dato l%u2019alto costo, da un camion.
Il rifugio, che si prende cura di oltre 150 animali in condizioni climatiche tropicali, a tutt%u2019oggi %uFFFD ancora senza l%u2019acqua corrente!
A seguito di ulteriori indagini relative alla fornitura d%u2019acqua, The Animal House ha scoperto che la National Meats, un%u2019impresa privata che a sua volta affitta i terreni dalla JBM, ha preso il controllo dell%u2019acquedotto che rifornisce anche The Animal House e ha deciso di chiudere la valvola che somministra l%u2019acqua al rifugio, in quanto preoccupata dei costi addizionali. The Animal House, inoltre, %uFFFD venuta a sapere che la National Water Commission (NWC) non ha pi%uFFFD intenzione di farsi carico della fornitura d%u2019acqua come era stato annunciato in precedenza.
The Animal House ha rivolto un appello a tutte le autorit%uFFFD possibili, compreso l%u2019Ufficio del Primo Ministro giamaicano.  The Animal House %uFFFD riuscita ad organizzare un incontro con la National Meats e la NWC ma nessuna delle due ha dimostrato la volont%uFFFD di risolvere il problema. Al rifugio %uFFFD stato consigliato di raccogliere l%u2019acqua piovana o pagare per la posa di una nuova conduttura (15.000 dollari USA), a cui seguirebbe l%u2019installazione di un contatore per acqua, fornito della NWC. Nell%u2019attesa di una risoluzione, il rifugio, come gi%uFFFD accennato, %uFFFD obbligato a trasportare  l%u2019acqua. E%u2019 una condizione terribile e sembra che a nessuno interessi  pi%uFFFD di tanto risolvere la cosa. The Animal House %uFFFD grato per il fatto che dopo cinque mesi sia stata ripristinata la luce, %uFFFD stata proprio una benedizione, ma aggiunge: %u201CAdesso se finalmente potessimo avere anche l%u2019acqua!%u201D
Aiutateci a far ripristinare l%u2019acqua corrente per tutti i poveri animali del rifugio! Firmate questa petizione e inviatela a tutti quelli che conoscete. Grazie per il vostro sostegno!


We the undersigned implore you to help The Animal House in Ocho Rios Jamaica restore their access to running water. 

As a non-profit organization and one of a very few animal shelters on the island survival is difficult enough, but with no running water for the people who work there and the animals under the organizations care it is near impossible.  We know Jamaica has a big heart, can you please help?

Thank you for you time and attention to this matter.
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