Demand safer medicines, using better science than animal tests (*UK only*)

!!!   UK Residents Only Please   !!! 

Our medicines are killing us! Adverse drug reactions have reached epidemic proportions, sending a million Britons to hospital and killing more than 10,000 every year.

Currently, new medicines are approved for human testing on the basis of animal tests, as required by the government. But 9 out of 10 drugs fail in human trials because they are unsafe or ineffective, despite appearing safe and effective in animal tests.

All the evidence suggests that new methods based on human biology, which are already commercially available, would improve safety and save lives.

The government must act now to employ the best technologies available to improve the safety of medicines and reduce the tragic toll of adverse drug reactions. 

More information at

We the undersigned call on the Government to mandate the use of new technologies that can predict the safety of medicines for patients more reliably than current methods. !!! IMPORTANT: UK residents ONLY please !!!
Update #1vor 9 Jahren
Thank you for signing my petition, which is hugely important to protect patients and all of us who ever take medicines. New tests focused on human (rather than animal) biology could improve the safety of new medicines IF the government would require their use.

PLEASE share this petition today - if each signatory could persuade 2 more people to sign, we would instantly reach our target of 10,000!

Thank you so much,

Kathy Archibald
Safer Medicines Campaign

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