Hold Denver's Slaughterhouse Accountable: Tell Mayor Mike Johnston to Enforce Clean Water Act Compliance

Located in the heart of Denver along the South Platte River, the Superior Farms slaughterhouse has been operating in violation of the Clean Water Act for over 4 years. This isn't just an environmental concern—it's a matter of public health and environmental justice that demands immediate attention.

Blood, fat, manure, and toxic cleaning chemicals from slaughterhouses pose serious risks to both human health and aquatic life. Superior Farms failing to report it's discharge into the South Platte River not only violates federal law but also leaves Denver residents in the dark about the potential health risks they face. Although the city advises against it, many families, unaware of the potential dangers, continue to swim and play in the South Platte river. This is a critical public health issue, but it's clear that the slaughterhouse isn't concerned the health of Denver residents. 

Former Denver Mayor Michael Hancock set a goal to make the South Platte River swimmable by 2020 but the city has essentially given up and failed to achieve this objective. That's why I'm calling on Denver Mayor Mike Johnston, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to take immediate and decisive action:

  1. Conduct a thorough investigation into the nature and extent of the Clean Water Act violations at the Superior Farms facility.
  2. Enforce compliance with all applicable Clean Water Act regulations.
  3. Implement more frequent and stringent monitoring to ensure ongoing compliance.
  4. Require the facility to invest in necessary upgrades or changes to meet all environmental standards.
  5. Establish a community oversight committee to ensure transparency and accountability.


TAKE ACTION: Your signature on this petition is a demand for environmental justice and regulatory accountability. It tells the Mayor that we expect the City of Denver to enforce environmental laws especially when they affect thousands of us who live and work in Denver. It declares that clean water and a clean environment is not a luxury, but a basic right that must be safeguarded for all.

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