Vote for the Bay this Election Day!

It's a big election year, and what's one simple, powerful way you can do something for our environment and people? Vote! Participation in our democracy is critical to save the Bay and all waterways. While candidates are running for elected office, we need to urge them to support policies friendly to clean water that are essential to our health, economy, and way of life.

Across the watershed, communities are working hard to reduce pollution from runoff, sewage, and agriculture. But while gains have been made, the recovery is fragile. The Bay and its rivers and streams still have a long way to go to be healthy.

Your voice matters in this process. Thanks to clean water advocates, we've celebrated many wins across the watershed. But those wins start with electing officials at all levels, from local to state to federal, that prioritize the environment. And the progress we've made could be lost if we don't ask those hard questions of our candidates about where their priorities lie when it comes to clean water.

Few places are more influential to saving the Bay than the halls of our local, state, and federal governments. So as Election Day draws closer, we encourage you to keep the Bay and its rivers and streams in mind. The health of our region's environment, our public health, and our way of life are all interconnected and all at stake.

The Bay can't vote, but you can! Join us in pledging to vote for the Bay.
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