Should we keep this site running?

Ok well its like this:
  Alot of people support XTeensWhoHelpTeensX, but there are some who believe we are wrong for having the site.  So we have to do this the fair and responsible way.  We need 200 signers of this petition to keep the site running.  If we dont get 200 in the next month, we will have to shut TeenHelp down.

If you want us to keep XTeensWhoHelpTeensX running, PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION AGAINST THOSE WHO DONT.  

     Tiger, Kay, & Nimrak
Sign this petition against people against XTeensWhoHelpTeensX.  If we dont get 200 signatures, we will have to shut down the site.  Please support us by signing!  The more the better!!!

                Tiger, Kay & Nimrak
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