Kerala to put an end to the killing of stray dogs!

Mans best friend? Maybe not! Kerala, a state well known for its education is proving to have the most illiterate people after all the acts of animal abuse we've recently come across.

Kerala has only been increasing its cruelty on dogs! Dogs are being beaten to death for petitions against animal welfares! Now it has risen to a different stage. St.Thomas College in Kottayam has begun an inhuman project which involves the reward of gold coins being given to the person killing the most dogs! Youngsters from the college are encouraging this with the support of their teachers. No action has been taken against this shameful act! Innocent dogs are being killed everyday just because of their increase in population. Instead of coming up with a solution these stray dogs are being brutally killed.

Is this what the future of this state is being led to? We need to raise our voice against this and stand up for these harmless stray dogs and send them to animal shelters as soon as possible. Getting enough signatures will compel the the CM of Kerala to take action against this and stop the suffering of these innocent stray dogs.

Update #2vor 8 Jahren
Thanks for all your support. We need to reach our goal and we aren't far from it! Share this petition and let everyone know and help stop this barbaric act!
Update #1vor 8 Jahren
Dear supporters,

I'm really glad that you guys got this petition so far! We're so close to get to 1k! Share this petition as much as possible and let's reach the goal. A big thank you to you for getting us here.

Ruhi Karn
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