Tell lawmakers: Strengthen CSFP to help seniors facing hunger!

Nearly 7 million seniors faced hunger in 2022. With the expiration of crucial pandemic-era benefits, seniors with low or fixed incomes are juggling the high costs of food and other essentials like housing and medical bills with less resources to do so.

Congress can help seniors facing hunger by increasing investments in the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP), which helps by providing seniors with healthy foods through monthly food boxes, but this program can only serve as many seniors as funding provides.

CSFP connects seniors with the nutritious food they need to thrive. The program provides packages filled with fruits, vegetables, healthy grains, meat, cheese and other foods that help older people stay healthy, active and independent. What's more: The Feeding America network is able to serve more than half a million seniors through the CSFP program. It makes a difference for seniors everywhere.

Congress can help reduce hunger among seniors. Tell lawmakers: Increase investments in CSFP and modernize the program in the next farm bill!
Increase investments in CSFP and modernize the program in the next farm bill!

Dear [Decision Maker],

The latest USDA data shows that nearly 7 million seniors lived with food insecurity in 2022. Older adults often have low or fixed incomes, making it hard to afford food and other essentials.

I'm asking you to help ensure seniors have access to nutritious foods. In the next farm bill, please increase investments in the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) and modernize the program to help seniors with low incomes get the food they need to stay physically and mentally healthy.

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