End Animal Exploitation at Fairs

  • von: Shelby B
  • empfänger: Monroe County Fair and other State/County Fairs
A bear was chained up for a photo shoot at the Monroe County (Michigan) Fair. The treatment of this animal at the "Great Bear Show" has many Monroe County citizens upset and disappointed in the Fair. 

The bear being made into a spectacle was NOT okay. It was inhumane and down-right cruel. Many people in our community are appalled that it was considered "entertainment" or "education."

The fact that whomever has ownership of the bear is considered a rescue group and they'd do this to one of their animals is disheartening to say the least. Although, it is law to have a chain and barrier on an animal over a certain weight limit, the bear should not have been placed in this situation in the first place.

The bear was obviously distraught and unhappy. Many by-standers claimed the bear looked sad, that they felt sorry for it and that it's living situation was not ideal. No animal should have to suffer for the sake of a photo shoot or any other selfish reason for that matter! I stand in support of GENUINE animal education at the fair but animal exploitation should NOT be allowed to continue! PLEASE help to stop exploiting animals and support to ban animal exploitation from County/State Fairs!

Other contact source: info@monroecountyfair.com

What is included in this ban: • Animals as ‘Prizes’ • Unethical Exotic Animal Photo Sessions • Elephant and Camel Rides • Unethical Exotic Animal Shows • Mouse or Rat ‘Roulette’ • Unethical Pony Rides • Racing or Diving Pigs and Greased-Pig Contests • Rodeos • Unehthical Petting Zoos What is not included: • 4-H and Agricultural Displays
Update #4vor 6 Jahren
Hey everyone! Thank you so so very much for all the undivided support! I am currently working on downloading the signatures (having a hard time doing so) so I can send them to the government. Please bear with me (no pun intended) and thank you for your patience! I'll continue to post updates. ☺
Update #3vor 7 Jahren
The signatures have been downloaded into a document format and will soon be ready to be sent to the appropriate state/federal agency(s)! It's heart-warming to see what good we can accomplish together in unity.
Update #2vor 7 Jahren
We have officially not only met our signature goal of 100,000.... but we've surpassed it! My heart is so happy to be apart of this unifying experience. How thrilling is it going to be to send this petition to whom necessary and get phase #2 of banning animal exploitation from state/county fairs started!? We shall do so at the 30 day mark. Updates will be posted! You are all a bunch of beautiful souls.
Update #1vor 7 Jahren
Wow, you all rock. 70,000 signatures down... 30,000 to go! On a hopeful road to banning animal exploitation from State/County fairs! You are so very appreciated.. words cannot express. 💚🤘
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