Tell Oregon lawmakers to stand up to Big Pharma and their price gouging!

Imagine not being able to afford the very medicines that could save your life. For decades, this has been a heartbreaking reality for 1 out of 4 Americans who struggle to pay for their prescriptions. The unchecked greed of the pharmaceutical industry has caused prescription drug prices to skyrocket, leaving countless Oregonians in a state of despair and uncertainty. No one should have to choose between their health and their finances. It's time to take action and demand change.

High drug prices are more than just numbers on a bill; they represent lives left in jeopardy. As a community, we can no longer stand by while our neighbors, friends, and family members suffer. The Oregon Coalition for Affordable Prescription (OCAP) is calling on the state government to enforce regulations that will cap prescription drug prices and ensure that vital medications are accessible to everyone.

Your signature can make a significant difference. By joining OCAP, you become part of a powerful movement for healthcare justice and affordability.

Sign now to join OCAP and hold the pharmaceutical industry accountable and build a healthier future for all Oregonians.
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