Sign On To Stop Wildlife Crime

Despite increased efforts to tackle the surge in poaching, nearly 110,000 elephants have been killed in the last 10 years—highlighting the need for urgent international action to address the crisis.

African and Asian countries are reeling under a poaching crisis. Ruthless criminal networks are plundering the wild to supply skyrocketing demand for rhino horn, illegal ivory and tiger parts. As a WWF supporter, you know that wildlife crime is the most immediate threat to wild elephants, tigers and rhinos. And you share our concern about its connection to regional conflicts, national security and even terrorism.

WWF is urging governments—particularly those of demand countries such as China, Vietnam, Thailand and the U.S.—to strengthen law enforcement, invest in more boots on the ground and commit to long-term demand reduction efforts. But we also need your support to stop demand for illegal wildlife parts and products.

Pledge to stop wildlife crime and commit to preserving nature's beauty for future generations.

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