The 1.1-million-acre Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness is America's most visited wilderness area. Located in the Rainy River watershed in northeastern Minnesota, it includes nearly 2,000 pristine lakes and more than 1,200 miles of canoe routes. It's also great for hiking, camping, skiing, dog sledding and ice fishing, and is home to magnificent wildlife like moose, Canada lynx and wolves. It's rich with prehistoric and historic American Indian settlements.
Along with Voyageurs National Park and Quetico Provincial Park, the Boundary Waters is part of an international network of protected land and wilderness of well over 2 million acres.
The mining company Twin Metals has been pursuing a massive copper mine within the Rainy River watershed, just upstream from the Boundary Waters. Fortunately the Bureau of Land Management and Forest Service have halted any new mine proposals in the Rainy River watershed for the next two years due to the severe risk of perpetual, toxic water pollution.
These agencies are now considering extending the temporary ban into a 20-year ban and are taking public comment and analyzing the risks and environmental impacts of copper mining in the Rainy River watershed. Here's where you come in.
Add your name today! Send a message to these agencies to protect the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness from sulfide-ore copper mining.
Protect Minnesota's Boundary Waters From Copper Mining
I strongly support the proposed 20-year mining ban (also known as "mineral withdrawal") in the Rainy River watershed of northern Minnesota to protect the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. Sulfide-ore copper mining poses an unacceptable risk of serious and irreparable harm to this unique and iconic wilderness area.
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The Boundary Waters is America's most popular designated wilderness area, visited by more than 250,000 people annually. The 1.1-million-acre wilderness includes nearly 2,000 pristine lakes and more than 1,200 miles of canoe routes. The Boundary Waters must not be put at risk of perpetual pollution from the most toxic industry in America.
During the environmental review of the proposed withdrawal, please thoroughly address the following issues:
WILDLIFE: The Boundary Waters provides refugia for imperiled wildlife species. Due to the anticipated impacts of climate change on this region, the protection of the Boundary Waters is critical to the survival and recovery of threatened and sensitive species, including moose, Canada lynx and wolves.
WATER QUALITY: The lakes, rivers, and streams of the Boundary Waters are among the cleanest waters in North America, and are especially sensitive to acids and heavy metals found in copper mine pollution.
QUIET RECREATION: The Boundary Waters is the most popular wilderness area in the United States, and provides remarkable, world-class opportunities for canoeing, fishing and other recreation.
ECONOMICS: The Boundary Waters helps support a sustainable outdoor recreation and tourism industry in northeastern Minnesota.
I urge the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management to adopt the strongest and most expansive mineral withdrawal possible to protect the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness from the threat of sulfide-ore copper mining pollution. Thank you for the opportunity to comment.
[Your name]