Get Climate Change in the Debate Before It's Too Late

Global Warming is the most important issue facing the planet, but most of the media coverage and public attention is focused on the Presidential race. And for the most part, the candidates aren't discussing global warming.
As the election approaches, we'll have a great chance to force Obama and Romney to discuss global warming - and by extension start a national debate on this hugely important issue.
This fall's Presidential and Vice Presidential debates are being moderated by experienced news anchors (including 2 women for the first time.) They know the facts and agree that global warming is a serious problem. The only question is: will they have the conviction to ask the candidates about it?
If you agree that Global Warming should be 'part of the debate' - even if you don't agree with what the candidates want to do about it - sign on to our letter here. We'll deliver all the names to all four moderators this September, just as they finalize the format and questions for the debates.
Global Warming is the most serious problem facing our country and the world, but the candidates for President and Vice President barely ever mention climate change or their plans to solve it.
As a debate moderator, you can help. After 9-11, every candidate was asked about terrorism. After the hottest 12-month period in US history, the worst drought in a generation and multiple 'once a century' floods -- we need to know where they stand on global warming.
[Your comments here.]
We need the leaders of our country to be able to grasp the enormous problem of global warming and the exciting, transformative potential of solving it. Will you commit to ask the Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates at least 1 question about Global Warming?
[Your name here.]
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