Help Massachusetts Use More Clean Energy

Right now, the Massachusetts Legislature has an opportunity to mandate that we have the ability to store – and eventually use – more clean energy. Through battery storage, we can capture clean energy when it's available on the grid, and release it when it's needed most – typically when demand is high, and we have to fall back to dirtier forms of power.

But, the Massachusetts Legislature only has until July 31 to make this happen. Can you send a note to your Senator encouraging them to act quickly? Energy storage has the chance to increase our ability to use clean energy, provide jobs, and help us all fight climate change.
Dear Senator-

I'm writing to you about our climate future. In Massachusetts, we have a chance to go even further in reducing the impact our energy production has on the planet by leveraging battery storage solutions as much as we can.

As you know, Massachusetts has been a leader in clean energy solutions to power our homes and businesses. But, unfortunately, we can't yet use clean energy all of the time. Storing clean energy to be used when we would otherwise need to use planet-warming sources of energy just makes sense.

Right now, you have the opportunity to help Massachusetts lead the way. By requiring that the state contract at least 3,500 MWs of mid-duration energy storage - including 1,500 MWs by this time next year - you'll help empower the people of Massachusetts to use clean energy more often and help do our part to fight climate change.

Please encourage the energy bill conferees to support the energy storage language in House Bill 4884.

We don't want to use dirty energy if we don't have to. You have the chance to help us all do better.

Thank you.
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